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[Jun 18 Patch Notes] - 2024.06.18 (Official )
[Jun 18 Patch Notes]
UPDATES 2024.06.18

Patch Notes

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Greetings, Adventurers!

The Patch Notes for the update on Jun 18 (Tue) are here!
Adventurers, please see the newly applied patch notes and enjoy an even more exciting adventure.

※ All screenshots in the main text were taken on the test server and may differ from the actual update content.
If there are any discrepancies between the patch notes and the applied content in the game, please contact the support center.

Node War Revamp

Developer Commentary:

The Node War, which showcases the unity of your guild in Black Desert Mobile, is being revamped with both modified and added features.

The revamped Node War will introduce more intense large-scale battles, strategic elements, and quality of life improvements, along with new rewards.

From the Fortress Siege, where you must capture and defend fortresses within the given time, to the Indomitable Flag and Guild Assembly feature that can turn the tide of battle, as well as the powerful Flame Towers that protect your Holy Artifacts from enemies, these new additions are sure to make Node Wars even more thrilling.

Additionally, various benefits that lay the foundation for growth have been renewed. In the newly added Extravagant Medal of Honor Shop, you can exchange the medals for items like Embers of Hongik and Voidsent Eye. You can also obtain the [Radiant Chaos Unknown Glyph], which can be exchanged once per family.

Experience the exhilarating battles with your guild members brought by these new changes in Node War.

- Changed some Node War rules to Fortress Siege rules that take place for 20 minutes.
ㆍ Nodes where Fortress Sieges take place will not be changed.
- In a Fortress Siege, the guild that captures the most Fortresses before the Node War ends wins.
ㆍ If the number of captured Fortresses is the same, the guild with the highest sum total of remaining HP for all occupied Fortresses wins.
- Fortresses start in a neutral state, and the guild that deals the final hit (reducing the HP to 0) occupies the Fortress.
ㆍ Once occupied, the Fortress' HP will be restored to full.
ㆍ If another guild attacks an occupied Fortress and reduces its HP to 0, the guild that lands the final blow will occupy the Fortress.

- The guild that occupies the Fortress can use the [Fortress Repair Kit] to repair it.
ㆍ You can stop the repair by using Evasion during the repair process.
- Holy Artifacts and Neutral Hwachas do not appear in the Fortress Siege.
- Other than the Recovery Tower, no other structures or objects can be installed.



- In Fortress Siege, the Guild Master and Guild Officer can send messages to all guild members.
ㆍ The message cooldown is 8 seconds per Adventurer.


Fortress Siege Victory Conditions

- The victorious guild is determined based on the following priorities at the end of the Node War:
- 1st Priority: The guild with the most occupied Fortresses.

Guild A Guild B Guild C
1 Fortress Conquered 2 Fortresses Conquered 1 Fortress Conquered
Guild B wins


- 2nd Priority: When guilds are occupying the same number of Fortresses, the guild with the highest total remaining HP wins.

Guild A Guild B Guild C
1 Fortress Conquered / 99% HP 1 Fortress Conquered / 70% HP 1 Fortress Conquered / 60% HP
Guild A wins

- The remaining HP of Fortresses is displayed as a percentage on the results screen, but the total HP is calculated as a sum of the actual values, not percentages.
- Even if the displayed HP percentages are the same on the results screen, the guild with the higher actual value wins.
- Since the result is calculated based on the sum of the actual values, it is very unlikely for the HP to be exactly the same.

- If the victor cannot be determined based on the 1st and 2nd priorities, it will be a draw.
ㆍShould it come to a draw, the node's status will remain unchanged from before the Node War took place.


- The number of participating guilds for each Node will change from the previous 3 to a range of 2 to 5 guilds per Node.
ㆍ You can check the participation limit for each Node in the Siege Gateway - Node War menu.
ㆍ Guilds will participate in the Node War based on the highest bids.
ㆍ E.g.) For a Node with 4 participating guilds, the top 1 to 4 ranked guilds will participate in that Node War.


- Added the types of stats applied in CP limit Nodes.
- CP Limit Nodes will change weekly.
- When entering a CP limit Node, the stat limits will be applied per category based on the Node level as follows.

Tier Max Stat Limit
Tier 1 40,000 Max HP
22,650 AP
22,350 DP
AP Against Monsters +250
DP Against Monsters +250
PvP Damage Taken -5%
PvP Damage Dealt +5%
All Branch Damage +5%
All Branch Damage Taken -5% 
Tier 2 50,000 Max HP
30,150 AP
29,850 DP
AP Against Monsters +500
DP Against Monsters +500
PvP Damage Taken -10%
PvP Damage Dealt +10%
All Branch Damage +10%
All Branch Damage Taken -10% 

- When entering CP Limit Node Max HP will be adjusted.
ㆍ E.g.) When entering a Tier 1 Node with a Max HP of 15,000, it will be adjusted to 40,000.
- Upon exiting the Node War, HP will be fully recovered.
- Battle-Hardened Ogres will not appear in this Node.


Node War Victory Conditions

- If no Holy Artifacts are destroyed when the Node War time's up, the victor is determined by the following rules.
- The guild with the most remaining HP on their Holy Artifact wins.
- If the HP of both Holy Artifacts is identical, neutral Nodes are liberated, and occupied Nodes are won by the occupying guild.

Example Result
When Node is not occupied:
When Guild A Holy Artifact remaining HP is at 50%
When Guild B Holy Artifact remaining HP is at 50%
When Guild C Holy Artifact remaining HP is at 51% 
Guild C wins
When Node is not occupied:
When Guild A Holy Artifact remaining HP is at 50%
When Guild B Holy Artifact remaining HP is at 50%
When Guild C Holy Artifact remaining HP is at 50% 
Node is liberated
When Guild A is occupying the Node:
When Guild A Holy Artifact remaining HP is at 1%
When Guild B Holy Artifact remaining HP is at 50%
When Guild C Holy Artifact remaining HP is at 50% 
Guild A wins
When Guild A is occupying the Node:
When Guild A Holy Artifact remaining HP is at 7%
When Guild B Holy Artifact remaining HP is at 80%
When Guild C Holy Artifact remaining HP is at 50% 
Guild B wins


- Node War structures can now only be installed at designated locations.
ㆍ This applies only to immovable structures such as the Cannon Observatory, Indomitable Flag, and Flame Tower.


- Added Manufacture items and materials available for use in Node Wars.
Item Manufacture Materials
Flame Tower Oil Terra Powder x9, Blaze Powder x18, Insectivorous Plant Powder x5, Manufacture Oil x10
Fortress Repair Kit Log x200, Rugged Boulder x100, Temporal Powder x1
Indomitable Flag Terra Powder x400, Sturdy Stone x8, Adhesive x12, Iron Ingot x2 
Flame Tower Flame Tower Oil x8, Plant-Based Gunpowder x6, Terra Powder x2, Iron Ingot x2
Enhanced Flame Tower Flame Tower Oil x26, Plant-Based Gunpowder x8, Terra Powder x40, Iron Ingot x5

※ You can craft up to 2 per day only when you have the [Royal Manufacturer Certificate].


- General Goods Vendors sell [Manufacture Oil].
ㆍ It is not sold in the Great Desert and the Land of the Morning Light.
- The Indomitable Flag and Flame Tower can be used for Manufacture Delivery.
- Fortress Repair Kit, Indomitable Flag, Flame Tower, and Enhanced Flame Tower can be registered on the Market.

- Added Flame Towers and Enhanced Flame Towers.
- You can summon up to two Flame Towers and Enhanced Flame Towers simultaneously, with a maximum of four per Node War.
- Flame Towers can be installed within 20 meters of your team's Holy Artifact and cannot be moved from that location.

- The Flame Tower allows the operator to set its direction and launch flame attacks.

- After performing flame attacks three times, you can use an enhanced flame attack that deals greater damage.
- You can donate up to 10 Flame Towers to the Armory.

- Added Indomitable Flag.
- The Indomitable Flag can be summoned by the Guild Master or Guild Officer at the designated location 10 minutes after the Node War starts.
ㆍ It can be installed no closer than 30 meters from the enemy's Holy Artifact.
- It can only be summoned once per Node War.

- After death, you can select "Revive at Indomitable Flag" on the waiting screen.
- Adventurers from other guilds can attack and destroy it, but it remains until destroyed.
- You can donate up to Indomitable Flag x1 to the Armory.



- A new assembly feature will be added for Guild Masters and Guild Officers.
ㆍ This feature can be used once, 10 minutes after the start of any Node War, except for Siege Wars.
- The assembly feature can be used without any limit on location.

- When the assembly feature is used, a button will appear allowing all Guild Members to teleport to the assembly location for 1 minute.
ㆍ Even if the Guild Master or Guild Officer who used the assembly dies, the assembly feature will be maintained.
- You cannot use it while mounted on an Elephant or Cannon, waiting to revive, carrying Fire Shot Supply Units, or repairing a Neutral Fortress.



- Added new background music for Node War.
ㆍ When entering Node War, the new music will play first, followed by the old music in a random order.
- The Alchemy Stone effect "Increases Hwacha Damage" will now apply the same value to "Increases Flame Tower Damage."
- Improved to allow the use of "Level Guild Skill" and "Armory" between bidding for Node War and entering Node War.
- Adjusted the duration of Invincibility upon revival in Node War from 10 seconds to 7 seconds.
- Increased the DP of the Battle-Hardened Ogre.
- Increased the max HP of Node War auxiliary structures and siege weapons.
ㆍ This includes Holy Artifact, Guard Tower, Gate Sentry, Barricade, Cannon, Elephant, Fire Shot Supply Unit, Judgment of Aal, Recovery Tower, Cannon Observatory, Shroud Knights' Cannon, Katan Army Cannon, Valencia Cannon, Outer Gate, Inner Gate, and Ogre.
- Increased the DP of all weapons managed in the Armory.
- Changed the starting locations for some Nodes from a minimum of 2 to 5.

- The revive time at all Nodes increases based on each guild's death count.
ㆍ The revive time reduction effect of the Recovery Tower is enhanced. (2 sec → 3 sec)
ㆍ The maximum revive time increases to 20 seconds.


Total Death Count Base Revive Cooldown Recovery Revive Cooldown
100 12 sec 9 sec
200 14 sec 11 sec
300 16 sec 13 sec
400 18 sec 15 sec
500 20 sec 17 sec

Practice Node War

- Changed the auxiliary structure stats in Practice Node War to match those in regular Node War.
- Practice Node War will now take place in the following three stages:
ㆍ Forsaken Lands Practice Node War
ㆍ Treant Forest Practice Node War
ㆍ Behr River Downstream Practice Node War

- If you capture a Node where a Hidden Banquet Hall Reclaim is available, you will be able to participate in attacking the Tax Wagon.
ㆍ The Tax Wagon scheduled for Jun 22 (Sat) will not occur due to the absence of an occupier of Valencia Castle.

- You can check the characteristics and benefits of each Node before placing a bid through the Siege Gateway within the Guild Fortress.

- All guild members receive buffs based on the occupied Castles/Nodes.
- Buffs are applied or removed the moment ownership of the Node/Castle changes.

Castle/Node Tier Buffs
Calpheon Siege War Castle  Field Combat EXP +30%, Great Desert, Everfrost, Sherekhan Item Drop Rate + 6% 
Valencian Siege War Castle  Field Combat EXP +30%, Great Desert, Everfrost, Sherekhan Item Drop Rate + 6% 
Altar of Agris Everfrost Item Drop Rate + 6% 
Dernyl Farm Great Desert Item Drop Rate + 6% 
Northern Plantation PvP Damage Dealt +5%, PvP Damage Taken -5% 
Rhutum Outstation Sherekhan Item Drop Rate + 6% 
Ahto Farm Field Combat EXP + 30% 
Velia Farmlands Everfrost Item Drop Rate + 4% 
Forest of Plunder Great Desert Item Drop Rate + 4% 
Naga Extraction Mill Max HP +1500 
Orc Camp Great Desert Item Drop Rate + 4% 
Troll Defense Outpost Sherekhan Item Drop Rate + 4% 
Quint Hill Field Combat EXP + 20% 
Cursed Lands Everfrost Item Drop Rate + 4% 
Hidden Monastery AP Against Monsters +300, DP Against Monsters +300 
Marni's Second Lab Life Skill EXP +10% (Log, Forage, Mine, Fish, Excavate, Manufacture, Cook) 
Highlands PvP Damage Dealt +3%, PvP Damage Taken -3% 
Plains of Agris Max HP +1000 
Forest of Seclusion PvP Damage Dealt +1%, PvP Damage Taken -1% 
Ehwaz Hill Max HP +1000 
Northern Quarry Field Combat EXP + 10% 
Lynch Farm Ruins Great Desert Item Drop Rate + 2% 
Castle Ruins Entrance Great Desert Item Drop Rate + 2% 
Naga Swamplands Great Desert Item Drop Rate + 2% 
Bradie Fortress Everfrost Item Drop Rate + 2% 
Harpy Cliff Sherekhan Item Drop Rate + 2% 
Old Dandelion Everfrost Item Drop Rate + 2% 
Bree Tree Forest Everfrost Item Drop Rate + 2% 
Forsaken Lands Sherekhan Item Drop Rate + 2% 
Kaia Pier AP Against Monsters +100, DP Against Monsters +100 
Inner Mansha Forest Life Skill EXP +5% (Log, Forage, Mine, Fish, Excavate, Manufacture, Cook) 
Treant Forest Sherekhan Item Drop Rate + 2% 
Crioville Field Combat EXP + 10% 
Behr River Downstream AP Against Monsters +100, DP Against Monsters +100 
Altinova Entrance Field Combat EXP + 10% 
Abandoned Iron Mine Mining Pit PvP Damage Dealt +1%, PvP Damage Taken -1% 
Kasula Farm Life Skill EXP +5% (Log, Forage, Mine, Fish, Excavate, Manufacture, Cook) 


- The guild bonus increases with each Node tier.


Node/Castle Post-Update 
Tier 1 Node 643,500,000,000
Tier 2 Node 1,039,500,000,000
Tier 3 Node 1,534,500,000,000
Castle 2,029,500,000,000

- We confirmed an issue where less of the Siege War bonus was distributed than the actual amount. Due to this issue, with the maintenance on Jun 18 (Tue), we took the following measures:
ㆍWe retroactively redistributed the bonus to Adventurers in a guild, by the maintenance on Jun 18 (Tue), for which the above issue occurred, regardless of the date joined and Contribution to the guild.
ㆍWe redistributed the difference between the bonus distributed and the intended amount, divided equally by the number of guild members.
ㆍYou can collect the bonus from the in-game mailbox.

- Changed to obtain [Extravagant Medal of Honor] instead of [Splendorous Medal of Honor] upon victory/defeat in a Node/Siege War.
ㆍ The [Splendorous Medal of Honor] will no longer be obtainable.
ㆍ The [Splendorous Medal of Honor] can be exchanged for other items through the NPC Duncan in the Guild Fortress.
ㆍ Added an NPC who can exchange the [Extravagant Medal of Honor] for other items to the Guild Fortress.
ㆍ The quantity of [Extravagant Medals of Honor] obtained in different situations is as follows.

Node/Castle Upon Victory Upon Defeat
Tier 1 Node 5 3
Tier 2 Node 10 5
Tier 3 Node 15 8
Castle 50 10



Chests Contents
Tier 1 Node Bonus Extravagant Medal of Honor x35, Medal of Honor x50
Tier 2  Node Bonus Extravagant Medal of Honor x40, Medal of Honor x100
Tier 3  Node Bonus Extravagant Medal of Honor x45, Medal of Honor x150 
Siege Node Bonus  Extravagant Medal of Honor x50, Medal of Honor x200

- With the bonus distribution system, you can obtain Node/Siege Node Bonuses.
ㆍ Bonuses can be distributed only once per week, so please receive the bonus after careful consideration if you plan to challenge higher tier Node Wars in the same week.

- Removed [Splendorous Medal of Honor] from the rewards for defeating the Former Lord of Cron Castle in Hidden Banquet Hall.
ㆍ All other rewards remain identical.


Ray Poilet

- Added a new Guild Medal Manager, "Ray Poilet," to the Guild Fortress.
- You can exchange the [Extravagant Medal of Honor] via Ray Poilet for various items.

Item Extravagant Medal of Honor Quantity Required Limit
Brilliant Chaos Unknown Glyph x1 100  1 per Family 
Embers of Hongik x1  40  2 per month 
Co-op Rush Scroll x1  30  1 per month 
Dawning Moonstone x100  30  1 per month 
Voidsent Eye x1 30  2 per month 
[Abyssal-Primal] Rune of Darkness Chest 20  1 per month 
Token: Baby Kabua (Tier 7)  15  1 per month 
Harmony Scroll 1 per week 
Supreme EXP Scroll x100  3 per week 
Restoration Scroll x1,000  1 per week 
Magical Essence x35,000  10 per week 
Dimensional Fragment x100 5 per week
[Abyssal] Condensed Dark Energy Chest No limit



Elite Guild Raid


Developer Commentary:

The Elite Guild Raid is content in which a guild can challenge high difficulties based only on the most powerful guild members to obtain rewards for all guild members and guild skills.

However, with 20 difficulties, it somewhat lacked accessibility for guilds still progressing as they would have to take on one level each week to attempt and conquer all difficulties. With this in mind, we made improvements so that guild skills can be acquired from completing an appropriate difficulty right away, without having to clear all lower difficulties. Also, with this quality of life improvement and some balance changes, we increased the rewards.

Experience the newly added higher difficulty levels to assess your guild's strength, and further feel the progression of your guild.


- Adjusted difficulty levels for the Elite Guild Raid.
ㆍ Due to the difficulty adjustment, both existing and first clear records have been reset.
- Reduced the total number of difficulty levels from 20 to 15.
ㆍ The recommended CP ranges from 30,000 to 87,500 depending on the level.
ㆍ You can preview the recommended CP on the menu screen before entering.

- You can challenge higher difficulties directly without clearing them sequentially.
ㆍ The previous level 20 difficulty is now equivalent to level 10.
ㆍ New strategies are required to clear levels 11 to 15.
ㆍ Upon clearing a higher difficulty, all effects from previous levels are applied.
- Clearing each difficulty for the first time grants an Increase Max HP effect in Node/Siege/Atumach/Black Sun/Twisted Nightmare.
ㆍ This effect applies to all Adventurers in the guild.

- The participation and completion rewards for the Elite Guild Raid are as follows:

Participation Reward Guild Reward Guild Gifts
Difficulty Crimson Crown Guild Points Guild Fund Guild EXP Totem Chest Tangled Time
30  1000 x number of guild members  47,619,048  76,191  150 
30  1000 x number of guild members  47,619,048  76,191  150 
33  1000 x number of guild members  55,125,000  88,200  150 
33  1000 x number of guild members  55,125,000  88,200  150 
37  1000 x number of guild members  67,005,000  107,207  150 
37  1000 x number of guild members  67,005,000  107,207  150 
40  1000 x number of guild members  81,445,000  129,930  150  10 
40  1000 x number of guild members  81,445,000  129,930  150  10 
45  1000 x number of guild members  98,997,000  158,390  150  12 
10  48  1000 x number of guild members  120,340,000   202,149   150  12 
11  52  1000 x number of guild members  139,230,000   234,000   150  14 
12  56  1000 x number of guild members  169,235,000  284,000   150  16 
13  56  1000 x number of guild members  169,235,000  284,000   150  16 
14  60  1000 x number of guild members  205,707,000  345,000   150  18 
15  65  1000 x number of guild members  250,039,000  419,000   150  20 

- With the Elite Guild Raid update, a special event which you can enter twice per week will take place.
ㆍ Event period: After maintenance on Jun 18 (Tue) - before maintenance on Jun 25 (Tue).
ㆍ You can enter twice from after maintenance on Jun 18 (Tue) until Jun 23 (Sun).
ㆍ You can enter twice from Jun 24 (Mon) until maintenance on Jun 25 (Tue).
ㆍ Guilds that do not enter or enter only once from Jun 24 (Mon) until maintenance on Jun 25 (Tue) will be able to enter only once after maintenance on Jun 25 (Tue).


- Expanded the Sylvia Goddess Statue max level to 250.
- Expanded the max level of Rift Stone to 650.

- Changed the game to apply in queue time when attempting to access after an abnormal log out.
- Improved the stability by adjusting the game app's memory usage in the iOS environment.

Error Fixes

- [Shai] Fixed an issue where the alpaca's movements were unnatural when teleporting to a nearby town while riding an alpaca.
- Fixed an issue where certain body parts and Ornaments were not displayed to other Adventurers while equipping the [Balloon] ornament.
- [Huntress] Fixed an issue where certain body parts were displayed abnormally while wearing the Summer Azure Outfit.
- Fixed an issue where, at times, the appearance of other adventurers' characters was displayed abnormally.

- Fixed an issue where the character would circle around after auto-pathing to a location.
- Fixed an issue where the iron bars appeared to malfunction in Trials of Ator: Elite Level 12.
- Fixed an issue where the movement of summoned creatures would glitch on some low-end devices.

- Fixed an issue where the message displayed when attempting to craft a Chaos Belt into a Forest Guardian Belt while owning an Eternal Belt differed from the actual content.
- Fixed an issue where, at times, guild members of the same guild would occasionally display as enemies.


Early Notice

- The method of obtaining items in the Great Desert, Everfrost, and the Land of the Sherekhan is scheduled to be changed from defeating monsters to obtaining [Spoils of Battle], during the maintenance on Jul 16 (Tue).
ㆍ Due to this change, the [Flute of Unity] effect will also be modified.
· Please note the above information for the most optimal in-game experience.


Starting Events

Six Events for June!
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jun 18 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 22 (Mon), 2024, 23:59
Registration Gifts/We prepared them for 4 weeks starting in June!
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jun 18 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 22 (Mon), 2024, 23:59
Knowledge Boost Support
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jun 18 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 1 (Mon), 2024, 23:59
Siege/Node War Bonus Event!
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jun 18 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 15 (Mon), 2024, 23:59
Season Completion Boost
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jun 18 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 22 (Mon), 2024, 23:59
Alpaca Race!
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jun 18 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 22 (Mon), 2024, 23:59
Raid the Asula Bandits
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jun 18 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 22 (Mon), 2024, 23:59

Ended Events

· Collect Morning Light Charms
· Hammer of Fortune
· Hammer Event
· Ordeal of the Fallen
· Askeia Premium Login

Pearl Shop

※ Products with a sales period marked [TBA] will be announced separately through future Patch Notes listed under the [Sales Ending] section.
※ For products with a set sales period, go to the Pearl Shop in-game and view the products.

New Products

- Special Pack > Special Package
· June Adventure Chest
· June Pirate Island Chest
· June Boss Rush Chest
※ These items can be purchased until Jun 24 (Mon), 2024, 23:59.

- June Special Ticket Shop
· June Special Ticket

June Special Ticket Shop Items Purchase Limit
Boss Stamp -
Restoration Scroll -
Shadow Knot -
Dawning Moonstone -
Sun Crystal -
Extravagant Golden Vault Entry Pass -
Co-op Rush Scroll 10 per week
Citron Tea x2 Bundle 3 per week
Black Shrine Entry Pass 3 per week
Sealed Charm of Succession 10 per week
Luminescent Crystal -
10-Time Summer Lucky Shop Ticket x1 -

※ You can exchange the June Special Ticket for one of the above items.
※ If you do not use the June Special Ticket before the shop closes, you can select an item, excluding the weekly purchase limit items and the 10-Time Summer Lucky Shop Ticket.
※ This item can be purchased until Jun 24 (Mon), 2024, 23:59.

- New Outfits

Outfit Class Price
Sage's Memory Weapon Wizard 240 Black Pearls
Sage's Memory Weapon Igneous 240 Black Pearls
Sage's Memory Wizard, Igneous 960 Black Pearls
[Wizard - Sage's Memory]

[Igneous - Sage's Memory]