BDM Patch Notes Explorer
[March 25 Patch Notes] - 2025.03.25 (Official )

Patch Notes
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Greetings, Adventurers!
The Patch Notes for the update on Mar 25 (Tue) are here!
Adventurers, please check out the newly applied patch details and enjoy an even more enjoyable adventure.
※ All screenshots in the main text were taken on the test server and may differ from the actual update content.
If there are any discrepancies between the patch notes and the applied content in the game, please contact the support center.
Azunak Arena (Solo)
Developer Commentary
Azunak Arena is a competitive content where everyone starts with equal CP and Level, defeating monsters and other Adventurers.
Through the preseason, we've been making various improvements based on the gameplay patterns and data from Adventurers.
Previously, you could experience the thrill of small-scale skirmishes as a team with your guild in the Azunak Arena. Now, the upcoming Azunak Arena will be solo matches with new ways to enjoy the battles with your own strategies.
We've made several changes for the Azunak Arena (Solo).
Up to 12 participants can join a battlefield, and all Adventurers except yourself are displayed as 'Unknown Adventurer'.
Additionally, adjustments have been made to the arena's size, stat scaling with character's level, stats of monsters and bosses, and the points earned to better suit solo matches.
We hope you enjoy the intensity of the combat in the new Azunak Arena (Solo) preseason even if you're not part of a guild or are in a small guild.
- The Azunak Arena pre-season will be held as solo matches.
ㆍ The required CP is 40,000 or higher.
ㆍ You can participate even if you are not in a guild.
- Progress towards Azunak Arena weekly/monthly rewards made before the update will remain.
- Added Azunak Arena (Solo) to the Arena.
ㆍ Deleted Azunak Arena from the Guild Content List.
- Added Azunak Ranking (Solo) to the Arena Rankings.
ㆍ Rankings refresh every day after midnight.
ㆍ Rankings are determined based on the most points gained in a single match.
- Azunak Arena rankings reset every Monday at 00:00.
- Rewards are obtained based on the rank accomplished at the time of reset.
ㆍ 1st: Sealed Charm of Succession x15, Dimensional Fragment x300
ㆍ 2nd: Sealed Charm of Succession x10, Dimensional Fragment x200
ㆍ 3rd: Sealed Charm of Succession x7, Dimensional Fragment x100
ㆍ 4th-10th: Sealed Charm of Succession x5, Dimensional Fragment x75
ㆍ 11th-50th: Sealed Charm of Succession x3, Dimensional Fragment x50
ㆍ 51st-100th: Sealed Charm of Succession x2, Dimensional Fragment x40
ㆍ Top 10%: Dimensional Fragment x30
ㆍ Top 30%: Dimensional Fragment x20
ㆍ Top 50%: Dimensional Fragment x10
- Up to 12 Adventurers participate in a single match.
- The Azunak Arena exclusive outfit is applied, and the Family Names of other Adventurers, except yourself, are displayed as Unknown Adventurer.
ㆍ The Family Names can be viewed in the results after the Arena ends.
- Adjusted the AP, DP, and Max HP of monsters and bosses to suit solo matches.
- Adjusted the AP and DP scaling with the level to suit solo matches.
- Decreased the revive time after becoming incapacitated.
- Deleted the platform where you could obtain the Sword of Fire.
- Adjusted the points earned upon defeating another Adventurer as follows.
When defeating another Adventurer:
ㆍ Before: Earn 30% of the opponent's points
ㆍ After: Earn 20% of the opponent's points
When defeated by another Adventurer:
ㆍ Before: Lose 40% of earned points
ㆍ After: Lose 25% of earned points
- Changed the times when battlefield elements appear based on the elapsed time after the battle starts as follows:
ㆍ Azunak Arena Start: 00:00 → 00:00
ㆍ Boss Appearance: 03:00 → 02:20
ㆍ Leebur Appearance: 05:20 → 04:10
ㆍ Space-Time Distort: 06:30 → 06:00
ㆍ Azunak Arena End: 10:00 → 10:00
- Heal Orbs appear around where the Boss appears.
- More Heal Orbs appear after the Space-Time Distort.
- Increased the number of Revives after the Space-Time Distort to two.
※ The rules not mentioned above remain unchanged from the previous Azunak Arena rules.
New Content and Improvements
- Changed to be able to only access the game by changing the Facebook account link with another platform.
ㆍ The steps for account linking and detailed information can be checked through the [Additional Notification for March 25 (Tue) Facebook Linked Accounts].
- Added a link to the notice regarding account links when logging in with a Facebook account.
Co-op Rush
- Added new conditions that change the Eye of Imoogi target in Co-op Rush.
- When the targeted Adventurer becomes incapacitated
- When the targeted Adventurer leaves the party
- When the targeted Adventurer becomes incapacitated
- When the targeted Adventurer leaves the party
- When 40 seconds have passed since the initial targetting
- When the Whirlwind successfully destroys the mixed Aura through the Rising Storm
- [Deadeye] Improved Reach for the Sky to be able to leap over other characters.
- [Spiritwalker] Improved the Leaping Tiger to immediately move a certain distance when used towards hilltop terrain.
- [Deadeye] Changed the basic attack animation of Revolver Training.
- Improved the quests "Pumpkin Extracts", "Dark Slag", and "Best Protection" in the story "Outfit: An Afternoon in Serendia" to be completed faster.
- Improved to only display options that do not decrease Trait points during Regal Fairy Talk.
- Changed to only request permissions for functions actually used when accessing through the AOS environment.
ㆍ No longer requests permissions for photos and videos.
- Increased the size of the check button for additional rewards in the Slumberfallen Castle reward screen.
- Improved the Adventurer Progression Log quest completion effect.
- Added an alert for a completed Family Dispatch in Boss Rush, Constellation Rush, and Alyaelli's Rift.
Error Fixes
- [Lupa] Fixed an issue where the cooldown of unequipped skills appeared abnormal while mounted on Heuklang.
- [Zayed] Fixed an issue where comboing Condemnation after Ensnaring Sands used two charges.
- Fixed an issue where the Damage to Mission Bosses multiplier was not being applied to Guild Rush Bosses, Hidden Banquet Hall Bosses, and Blood Kin Rush Bosses.
- Fixed an issue where equipping the BD9 N Ornament as female classes caused the hair to appear unnatural.
- Fixed an issue where a queued skill was used after Dolswe Transformation ended in the Calamity 7 of Black Shrine, Songakshi Tomb.
- Fixed an issue where Attack Speed and Move Speed decreased after entering Azunak Arena.
- Fixed an issue where matchmaking continued after a party member left the party of 3 while waiting for a match in Ramoness Arena.
- Fixed an issue where the success sound effect played when failing a Co-op Rush Challenge.
- Fixed an issue where the default outfit got applied after Dolswe Transformation ended in Calamity 7 of Black Shrine, Songakshi Tomb.
- Improved the issue where tapping the horse skill after mounting would select the target at that location.
- Fixed an issue where the Pearl Shop did not display correctly in certain situations.
- Fixed an issue where the level appeared abnormal after entering Azunak Arena.
Upcoming Updates
Encarotia's Boutique
- Encarotia's Boutique in the Pearl Shop is scheduled to close on Mar 31 (Mon), 23:59.
- As Encarotia's Boutique closes, the following items will be deleted during the update maintenance on Apr 1 (Tue).
ㆍ Encarotia's Skein
ㆍ 10-Time Encarotia's Boutique Ticket
ㆍ Encarotia's Boutique Ticket Chest I
ㆍ Encarotia's Boutique Ticket Chest II
ㆍ Encarotia's Boutique Ticket Chest III
ㆍ Encarotia's Boutique I
ㆍ Encarotia's Boutique II
ㆍ Encarotia's Boutique III
ㆍ Encarotia's Boutique IV
ㆍ Pearls not obtained from the unused Encarotia's Boutique I, II, III, IV Chests will not be distributed, so please make sure to use them.
ㆍ Items not listed for deletion above, such as ‘BD9 N (Female)’, ‘BD9 N Hair (Female)’, ‘BD9 N (Male)’, ‘BD9 N Hair (Male)’, will remain and can still be registered on the market after the maintenance on Apr 1 (Tue).
ㆍ Please refer to the above details if you currently possess or plan to purchase these items.
- 5 Encarotia's Skeins can be traded for 200 Restoration Scrolls at [Encarotia's Boutique → BD9 N Outfit Shop → Exchange].
ㆍ You can trade Encarotia's Skeins you own for your desired items until Mar 31 (Mon), 23:59. All Encarotia's Skeins in possession will be deleted after the update maintenance.
Coupon Expiration
- The 2024 Calpheon Ball coupons below will expire on Mar 31 (Mon), 23:59.
ㆍPlease refer to this detail if you have not yet redeemed these coupons.
ㆍBlessing of W included in the coupon items will be removed after the update maintenance on Apr 1, 2025 (Tue).
[Redeem Coupon]
2024 Calpheon Ball Coupon #1
Class Change Selection Chest x1
Black Pearl x5000
2024 Calpheon Ball Coupon #2
Okiara's Blessing x5
2024 Calpheon Ball Coupon #3
[Select] Dream Horse Challenge Chest x1
Blessed Light/Fog Crystal Selection Chest x1
2024 Calpheon Ball Coupon #4
Brilliant Chaos Unknown Glyph x1
Black Shrine Entry Pass x5
2024 Calpheon Ball Coupon #5
Primal Memory Imprint Chest (Select) x2
Artisan's Skein x100
2024 Calpheon Ball Coupon #6
10-Time Calpheon Ball Lucky Shop Ticket x30
2024 Calpheon Ball Coupon #7
Blessing of W x3
Restoration Scroll x200,000
Gift Selection Chest for the Ball x1
Battlefield of the Sun: Forgotten Ruins
- The Forgotten Ruins map will be removed from the Battlefield of the Sun during the update maintenance on Apr 1 (Tue).
ㆍ Thank you so much for all the support for Battlefield of the Sun: Forgotten Ruins.
ㆍ The Battlefield of the Sun will alternate between Crimson Wind and Sandstorm Assault every other week.
Nightmare: Jade Starlight Forest
- The Dark Rift leading to Nightmare: Jade Starlight Forest will close during the update maintenance on Apr 8 (Tue).
ㆍ The Dark Rift is scheduled to reopen as Nightmare: Tshira with the update on Apr 15 (Tue).
- Due to this, the item Cleansing Fountain of Origin Water will be temporarily unavailable in the Pearl Shop from Apr 8 (Tue) update maintenance until the Dark Rift reopens.
ㆍ Please refer to the above details when purchasing and using the item Cleansing Fountain of Origin Water.
Medal of Honor Shop
- The Medal of Honor Shop is scheduled for a renewal during the Apr 8 (Tue) update maintenance.
ㆍ All Medals of Honor you currently own will be deleted during the Apr 8 (Tue) update maintenance.
ㆍ Medal of Honor refers to the currency used at the Medal of Honor Shops in each town.
ㆍ The Splendorous Medal of Honor and Extravagant Medal of Honor used with the merchants in the Guild Fortress are not affected.
- An event that doubles the amount of Medals of Honor obtained is underway until the Medal of Honor Shop renewal.
- If you collected the rewards listed below before the Apr 8 (Tue) update maintenance, they will be redistributed as Medals of Honor that can be used in the renewed Medal of Honor Shop.
ㆍWeekly Ranked Arena Rewards and Weekly Ramoness Arena Rewards collected from Apr 7 (Mon) to before maintenance on Apr 8 (Tue).
ㆍRamoness Season Challenge Rewards collected from Apr 1st (Tue) to before maintenance on Apr 8 (Tue).
- Please refer to the details above when using the Medal of Honor.
New Events
Knowledge Power-Up Event - Constellation Edition
· Event Period: After maintenance on Mar 11, 2025 (Tue) - Mar 24, 2025 (Mon), 23:59
Knowledge Power-Up Event - World Boss Edition
· Event Period: After maintenance on Mar 11, 2025 (Tue) - Mar 24, 2025 (Mon), 23:59
Knowledge Power-Up Event - Alyaelli's Rift Edition
· Event Period: After maintenance on Mar 11, 2025 (Tue) - Mar 24, 2025 (Mon), 23:59
April Monthly Login
· Event Period: After maintenance on Apr 1, 2025 (Tue), 00:00 - Apr 30, 2025 (Wed), 23:59
Ended Events
ㆍ Knowledge Power-Up Event - Ancient Ruins Edition
ㆍ Knowledge Power-Up Event - World Boss Edition
ㆍ Daily Login Missions
Pearl Shop
※ Products with a sales period marked [TBA] will be announced separately through future Patch Notes listed under the [Sales Ending] section.
※ For products with a set sales period, go to the Pearl Shop in-game and view the products.
New Products
- Special Pack + Recommended Items
ㆍ Knowledge Finale Pack
ㆍ Akhram's Knowledge Pack
ㆍ Dawning Glory Pack
ㆍ Limited Co-op Knowledge Chest [2+1]
※ Available until Mar 31, 2025 (Mon), 23:59.
New Outfit
Outfit | Class | Price |
Invoker, Archmage | Roselyn | 960 Black Pearls |
Blade Master, Warlord | Red Robe | 960 Black Pearls |
Red Robe Weapon | 240 Black Pearls |
[March 18 Patch Notes] - 2025.03.18 (Official )

Patch Notes
[DE] Zur Ankündigung auf Deutsch [LINK]
[FR] Voir Annonce en français [LIEN]
[ES] Ver aviso en español [LINK]
[TH] อ่านประกาศภาษาไทย [LINK]
[ID] Baca pengumuman dalam bahasa Indonesia [Link]
[RU] Информация на русском [LINK]
[PT] Ver aviso em português [LINK]
Greetings, Adventurers!
The Patch Notes for the update on Mar 18 (Tue) are here!
Adventurers, please check out the newly applied patch details and enjoy an even more enjoyable adventure.
※ All screenshots in the main text were taken on the test server and may differ from the actual update content.
If there are any discrepancies between the patch notes and the applied content in the game, please contact the support center.
Black Shrine - Calamity 7
Developer Commentary
We added Songakshi, Apex Changui, and Oduksini in this final update of the Calamity 7 difficulty.
The Apex Changui, devoured three times by a tiger, appears stronger than ever. Songakshi, on the other hand, is filled with resentment and requires a more powerful charm to seal her.
Lastly, Oduksini relentlessly attacks Adventurers in the darkness that has grown even thicker.
Including the previously added bosses, many Adventurers are challenging Calamity 7 in the Black Shrine.
Watch the bosses' actions carefully, and good luck in clearing Calamity 7.
- Added Calamity 7 difficulty to Black Shrine's Altar of Blood, Beombawi Valley, and Songakshi Tomb.
ㆍ Complete Calamity 6 of the respective boss to enter Calamity 7.
ㆍ The completion rewards based on Black Spirit Level and the drop rate of Embers and Flame of Hongik are identical across all difficulties.
- The Calamity 7 Reward Bundle can be obtained as a first completion reward for each boss.
ㆍ Use the bundle to obtain: Embers of Hongik x3, Supreme EXP Scrolls x1,200
- Complete Altar of Blood, Beombawi Valley, and Songakshi Tomb on Calamity 7 difficulty to obtain the Gloomy emoji.
- Added new achievements for the first completion of Calamity 7 for each boss.
ㆍ Obtain Crimson Crown x140 upon completion.
- Changed the skill description to vary according to the effects related to Skill Cooldown.
ㆍ Effect that decreases the max Cooldown time → Cooldown -
ㆍ Effect that shortens the cooldown of a skill already on cooldown → Remaining Cooldown -
- Improved the skill descriptions for the following classes to reflect the change in Cooldown descriptions:
ㆍ Corsair, Reaper, Lupa, Invoker, Lahn, Gladiator, Sage, Warlord, Yacha, Paladin, Berserker, Mystic, Fletcher, Spiritwalker, Wizard, Scholar, Askeia, Grandmaster
New Content and Improvements
- Increased the max level of Black Spirit Quests and Black Spirit Hadum Quests based on Black Spirit Level from 401 to 601.
- Increased the max level of Rift Stone. (700 → 800)
- Increased the max level of Sylvia Goddess Statue. (300 → 400)
ㆍ Further increase in the max level for Rift Stone and Sylvia Goddess Statue is not planned, but any changes will be announced in advance through notices.
- Added a feature to auto-path via the Monster Info UI on the World Map of the Great Desert, Everfrost, and Land of the Sherekhan to move to their location.
- Adjusted the monster locations around Safe Zones in the Great Desert, Everfrost, and Land of the Sherekhan where adventure time is not consumed.
- Changed the following translations.
ㆍ PvP Damage Taken → Damage from Adventurers
ㆍ PvP Damage Dealt → Damage to Adventurers
Error Fixes
- [Zayed] Fixed an issue where he did not change direction when using Purge in a combo.
- [Lupa] Fixed an issue where Super Armor was not applied when using Hot Spot in a combo after Stomp.
- [Dosa/Deadeye] Fixed an issue where HP was not recovered when using Victory Salvo and Motion in Stillness.
- Fixed an issue where the movement skills did not activate properly upon taking damage from Sangoon in the Black Shrine, Tiger Palace.
- Fixed an issue where using Black Spirit Emergency Escape during certain attacks by Sangoon in the Black Shrine, Tiger Palace caused the attack to not proceed correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the remaining time was incorrectly displayed as "--:--" when retrying the Black Shrine, Shimnidae Forest challenge after failing it.
Upcoming Updates
Facebook Account Link
- After the update maintenance on Mar 25 (Tue), you will not be able to access the game with a Facebook linked account. The account link must be changed to one of the following accounts: Google, Apple, or LINE.
ㆍ Adventurers using a Facebook account will need to link it with a Google, Apple, or LINE account to play the game.
ㆍ Please refer to the notice below.
[Go now]
Medal of Honor Shop
- The Medal of Honor Shop is scheduled for a renewal during the Apr 8 (Tue) update maintenance.
ㆍ All Medals of Honor you currently own will be deleted during the Apr 8 (Tue) update maintenance.
ㆍ Medal of Honor refers to the currency used at the Medal of Honor Shops in each town.
ㆍ The Splendorous Medal of Honor and Extravagant Medal of Honor used with the merchants in the Guild Fortress are not affected.
- The amount of Medals of Honor obtained will be doubled starting after the update maintenance on Mar 18 (Tue) - until the Medal of Honor Shop renewal update.
- Additional Medals of Honor have been distributed during the update maintenance on Mar 18 (Tue) for Adventurers that have obtained them via Weekly and Monthly Tasks in the Arena, Ramoness, and Karkea in the time periods shown below:
ㆍMonthly Tasks: Mar 1 (Sat), 00:00 - until maintenance on Mar 18 (Tue)
ㆍWeekly Tasks: Mar 17 (Mon), 00:00 - until maintenance on Mar 18 (Tue)
- Please refer to the details above when using the Medal of Honor.
Battlefield of the Sun: Forgotten Ruins
- The Forgotten Ruins map will be removed from the Battlefield of the Sun during the update maintenance on Apr 1 (Tue).
ㆍ Thank you so much for all the support for Battlefield of the Sun: Forgotten Ruins.
ㆍ The Battlefield of the Sun will alternate between Crimson Wind and Sandstorm Assault every other week.
New Events
Double Medal of Honor Event!
· Event Period: After maintenance on Mar 18, 2025 (Tue) - until maintenance on Apr 8, 2025 (Tue)
Knowledge Power-Up Event - Ancient Ruins Edition
· Event Period: After maintenance on Mar 18, 2025 (Tue) - Mar 24, 2025 (Mon), 23:59
Knowledge Power-Up Event - World Boss Edition
· Event Period: After maintenance on Mar 18, 2025 (Tue) - Mar 24, 2025 (Mon), 23:59
Daily Login Missions
· Event Period: After maintenance on Mar 18, 2025 (Tue) - Mar 24, 2025 (Mon), 23:59
Ended Events
ㆍ Knowledge Power-Up Event - Boss Rush Edition
ㆍ Knowledge Power-Up Event - World Boss Edition
ㆍ Puzzle Event
ㆍ Puzzle Piece Event
ㆍ Lakia's Weekly Quest
Pearl Shop
※ Products with a sales period marked [TBA] will be announced separately through future Patch Notes listed under the [Sales Ending] section.
※ For products with a set sales period, go to the Pearl Shop in-game and view the products.
New Products
- Special Pack + Recommended Items
ㆍLimited Knowledge Power-Up Chest II [3+1]
ㆍKnowledge Gold Coin Pack
ㆍLimited Knowledge Adventure Chest [2+1]
ㆍAll-In Knowledge Pack
※ Available until March 31, 2025 (Mon), 23:59.
- New Outfits
Class | Outfit | Price |
Wizard, Igneous | Corvicanus | 960 Black Pearls |
Corvicanus Weapon | 240 Black Pearls |
[March 11 Patch Notes] - 2025.03.11 (Official )

Patch Notes
[DE] Zur Ankündigung auf Deutsch [LINK]
[FR] Voir Annonce en français [LIEN]
[ES] Ver aviso en español [LINK]
[TH] อ่านประกาศภาษาไทย [LINK]
[ID] Baca pengumuman dalam bahasa Indonesia [Link]
[RU] Информация на русском [LINK]
[PT] Ver aviso em português [LINK]
Greetings, Adventurers!
The Patch Notes for the update on Mar 11 (Tue) are here!
Adventurers, please check out the newly applied patch details and enjoy an even more enjoyable adventure.
※ All screenshots in the main text were taken on the test server and may differ from the actual update content.
If there are any discrepancies between the patch notes and the applied content in the game, please contact the support center.
Nightmare: Brisk Jade Starlight Forest
Developer Commentary:
We are adding a new difficulty level to Nightmare: Jade Starlight Forest.
In "Nightmare: Brisk Jade Starlight Forest," you can engage in combat with just about anyone but yourself. All other Adventurers and even guild members are enemies here.
Alone, you'll have to face unknown enemies that may appear at any given moment.
Also, a difference from the existing difficulty levels is that the Required CP and CP Limit are the same.
Adventurers who have completed Progression Plus 2 would have around 40,000 CP.
And since Nightmare: Brisk Jade Starlight Forest requires 40,000 CP to enter, with the same CP Limit,
you can experience the thrill of the Nightmare without worrying about being underprepared for battles with other Adventurers.
Lastly, to prevent high-CP Adventurers from decreasing their CP in the Frozen Jade Starlight Forest and entering lower levels, we have added the "Bound" effect.
When you select a difficulty and enter the "Nightmare: Jade Starlight Forest",
the Bound effect is applied, which limits your entry only to that specific difficulty level.
We hope you enjoy battling in solitude through the blizzard in the newly added Brisk Jade Starlight Forest.
- Added the Brisk Jade Starlight Forest difficulty to Nightmare: Jade Starlight Forest.
ㆍ The required CP is 40,000 or higher.
ㆍ Shares the Chill of Everfrost effect with other difficulties.
- Changed the order of difficulties displayed on the entry screen with the addition of the Gentle Jade Starlight Forest difficulty.
ㆍ Displayed in order of highest Required CP.
ㆍ Jade Starlight Forest (Entry CP 40,000 or higher)
ㆍ Frozen Jade Starlight Forest (Entry CP 68,000 or higher)
ㆍ Frozen Jade Starlight Forest (Entry CP 68,000 or higher)
ㆍ Jade Starlight Forest (Entry CP 40,000 or higher)
ㆍ Brisk Jade Starlight Forest (Entry CP 40,000 or higher)
- All Adventurers, including guild members, are displayed as unknown adventurers and can be attacked in the Brisk Jade Starlight Forest.
- The CP limit of the Brisk Jade Starlight Forest is 40,000 (AP 20,150 + DP 19,850).
ㆍ CP does not decrease below 29,800 (AP 15,000 + DP 14,800).
- Upon entering Nightmare: Jade Starlight Forest, the Bound effect respective to the entered difficulty is applied immediately.
ㆍ You can only enter the corresponding difficulty while the effect is applied.
ㆍ The effect lasts for 9 hr, and the remaining time is renewed upon reentry.
ㆍ The remaining time decreases even while offline.
- The Bound effect can also be removed by using the Fountain of Origin Water or Cleansing Foundtain of Origin Water to reduce the Chill of Everfrost effect to 0 and remove it.
- Added a message related to entry when selecting another difficulty while Bound is applied.
- Added a kill count to the top right of the screen in all difficulties of Nightmare: Jade Starlight Forest.
ㆍ Count resets upon exit.
- Increased the amount of Advanced EXP Scroll obtained in the Frozen Jade Starlight Forest and Jade Starlight Forest by x1.5.
Black Shrine
Black Shrine
Developer Commentary:
Following the Gumiho, Mudang Wraith, and Golden Pig King, in this update the Bamboo Legion, Sangoon, and Duoksini make their appearances in the Black Shrine at Calamity 7 difficulty.
The lanterns in Shimnidae Forest now hinder your movements with more mystical power, and Sangoon summons Changui to greet you at the Tiger Palace.
Duoksini will also use the Dokkebi King's treasure, the Kkebicap, to conceal its appearance.
The way to overcome such situations is usually close at hand.
Watch the boss's actions carefully, and good luck in clearing the Calamity 7.
Additionally, many adventurers are challenging the Black Shrine Calamity 7, including the previously added bosses.
We increased the PvE Damage of certain classes with low skill damage so they can have a better time clearing the newly added Calamity 7 difficulty.
However, we also noticed some classes that excel in defeating monsters with area of effect attacks due to factors like the skill's charges, cooldown time, and passive effects, but were lacking in sustained damage against single bosses in the Black Shrine.
Therefore, we added the "Damage to Mission Bosses" multiplier to ensure these classes can perform effectively against single bosses, without significantly impacting their hunting balance by increasing their PvE Damage.
After this update, we look forward to seeing the affected classes perform, and we will prepare to introduce Songakshi, Oduksini, and Apex Changui soon.
Thank you.
Added Calamity 7 difficulty to Black Shrine's Shimnidae Forest, Tiger Palace, and Dokkebi Cave.
ㆍ Complete Calamity 6 of the respective boss to enter Calamity 7.
ㆍ The completion rewards based on Black Spirit Level and the drop rate of Embers and Flame of Hongik are identical across all difficulties.
- The Calamity 7 Reward Bundle can be obtained as a first completion reward for each boss.
ㆍ Use the bundle to obtain: Embers of Hongik x3, Supreme EXP Scrolls x1,200
- Complete Shimnidae Forest, Dokkebi Cave, and Tiger Palace on Calamity 7 difficulty to obtain the Yawn emoji.
- Added new achievements for the first completion of Calamity 7 for each boss.
ㆍ Obtain Crimson Crown x140 upon completion.
- Reduced the screen shake while Sangoon prepares a powerful attack with low HP across all difficulties in the Black Shrine, Tiger Palace.
- Changed the color of the attacks displayed on the ground for all bosses in the Black Shrine to be unified based on the type of attack.
・ Red: An attack that can be blocked with Forward Guard
・ Blue: An attack that penetrates Forward Guard
Damage to Mission Bosses
- Added a new Damage to Mission Bosses multiplier for each class.
・ Mission Bosses refers to those in Boss Rush, Ancient Ruins, Constellation, Black Shrine, Capotia, Co-op Rush Boss Monsters, Great Desert Temple Boss Monsters, Tax Wagon, Trials of Ator: Elite, Commander of the Battlefield of the Sun, Azunak Arena Boss Monsters, and Eilton Defense Bosses.
・ Example: If a Scholar dealt 100 damage with a single skill in the Black Shrine, it will deal 103 damage after the update.
・ The Damage to Mission Bosses multiplier of the classes not mentioned below is 1.
ㆍScholar: 1.03 |

Seocheon Field
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 951.6% → 1019.16%
Lv 10 : 1237.08% → 1324.91%

- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 620% → 737.8%
Lv 10 : 806% → 959.14%

Mark of the Moon
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 505% → 600.95%
Lv 10 : 656.5% → 781.23%

Bloom Deluge
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 620% → 632.4%
Lv 10: 806% → 822.12%

Sahee's Descent
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 510% → 606.9%
Lv 10 : 663% → 788.97%
Blade Master

- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 1143.36% → 1223.39%
Lv 10 : 1486.36% → 1590.41%

- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 857.18% → 1011.47%
Lv 10 : 1114.34% → 1314.92%

- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 1565.36% → 1663.2%
Lv 10 : 2034.97% → 2162.16%

Rest in Peace
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 1031.84% → 1124.71%
Lv 10 : 1289.8% → 1405.89%

Rising Storm (Succession Skill)
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 1155.66% → 1294.34%
Lv 10 : 1502.36% → 1682.64%

- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 748.8% → 891.07%
Lv 10 : 973.44% → 1158.39%

Bonechill Strike
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 1520% → 1641.6%
Lv 10 : 1976% → 2134.08%

Avalanche Cleave
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 851.5% → 902.59%
Lv 10 : 1106.95% → 1173.36%

Gate Crusher
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 1352% → 1568.32%
Lv 10 : 1757.6% → 2038.81%

Wind Knife
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 408.48% → 486.09%
Lv 10 : 538.35% → 640.63%

Cyclonic Fury
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 482.5% → 525.92%
Lv 10 : 627.25% → 683.7%

Ethereal Blast
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 612% → 728.28%
Lv 10 : 795.6% → 946.76%

Wind Slicer
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 655.2% → 753.48%
Lv 10 : 865.8% → 995.67%

Twin Dragon
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 801.26% → 953.5%
Lv 10 : 1041.64% → 1239.55%

Blade Storm
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 750.37% → 817.9%
Lv 10 : 975.48% → 1063.28%

Twin Fang
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 843.37% → 936.14%
Lv 10: 1096.38% → 1216.99%

- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 1049.4% → 1175.32%
Lv 10 : 1364.22% → 1527.92%

Fearsome Tyrant
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 1216.80% → 1338.48%
Lv 10 : 1581.84% → 1740.02%

Falling Rock
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 287.76% → 316.54%
Lv 10 : 374.09% → 411.50%

- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 1281.89% → 1435.72%
Lv 10 : 1666.46% → 1866.43%

Beastly Wind Slash
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 1633.50% → 1878.53%
Lv 10 : 2123.55% → 2442.08%

Raging Thunder
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 783.00% → 884.79%
Lv 10 : 1017.90% → 1150.23%

Beastly Wind Slash (Succession Skill)
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 2139.86% → 2460.84%
Lv 10 : 2781.82% → 3199.09%

Raging Thunder (Succession Skill)
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 1487.70% → 1681.10%
Lv 10 : 1934.01% → 2185.43%

Emberclaw Slash
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 450.00% → 529.65%
Lv 10 : 585.00% → 688.55%

Twirling Foxflare
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 409.73% → 647.35%
Lv 10 : 532.65% → 841.56%

Emberclaw Torrent
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 640.00% → 753.28%
Lv 10 : 832.00% → 979.26%

Emberclaw Torrent (Succession Skill)
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 640.00% → 753.28%
Lv 10 : 832.00% → 979.26%

And a One!
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 853.81% → 939.19%
Lv 10 : 1109.95% → 1220.94%

- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 341.20% → 1475.32%
Lv 10 :1743.56% → 1917.92%

- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 825.00% → 990.00%
Lv 10 : 1072.50% → 1287.00%

And a Three!
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 623.03% → 685.33%
Lv 10 : 747.63% → 822.39%

True Shot
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1: 2299.75% → 2713.7%
Lv 10 : 2989.67% → 3527.81%

Will of the Wind
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 966.96% → 1160.35%
Lv 10 : 1257.05% → 1508.46%

Flurry of Arrows
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 786.48% → 1085.34%
Lv 10 : 1022.42% → 1410.94%

Spinning Shot
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 960.33% → 1142.79%
Lv 10 : 1344.47% → 1599.91%

- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 366% → 395.28%
Lv 10 :475.8% → 513.86%

Sagoonja: Plum
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 687.05% → 838.2%
Lv 10 : 893.16% → 1089.66%

Sagoonja: Orchid
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 1004.4% → 1295.67%
Lv 10 : 1305.72% → 1684.37%

Sagoonja: Chrysanth
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 806% → 1071.98%
Lv 10 : 1047.8% → 1393.57%

- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 626.6% → 689.26%
Lv 10 : 814.58% → 896.03%

Eagle Drop
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 906% → 1168.74%
Lv 10 : 1177.8% → 1519.36%

Lights Out
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 1356% → 1789.92%
Lv 10 : 1762.8% → 2326.89%

Infernal Burst
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 1421% → 1818.88%
Lv 10 : 1847.3% → 2364.54%

Feral Rage
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1 : 1235% → 1556.1%
Lv 10 : 1605.5% → 2022.93%
- Adjusted the damage dealt to World Bosses for the following classes as their PvE damage was adjusted.
- Target Classes: Choryeong, Woosa, Ranger, Windwalker, Blade Master, Guardian, Sura, Hwaryeong, Yacha, Shai, Titan, Destroyer, Grandmaster
- World Bosses refer to Chaos Muraka, Katzvariak, and others that appear at designated times.
Developer Commentary:
For the last step of the characterization updates, we added the Reprimand effect to the classes: Paladin, Spiritwalker, Drakania, and Letanas.
These classes are characterized by wielding the power of supernatural beings.
In battle, they can use Reprimand to apply harmful effects to opponents and beneficial effects for their allies.
We've also increased the damage of frequently used skills, added Super Armor, adjusted the number of charges, and worked on skill combos.
As a result, these classes will become a more powerful presence on the battlefield.
Added the Reprimand effect to the classes: Paladin, Spiritwalker, Drakania, and Letanas.
- Apply Reprimand to Adventurers for 10 sec on hit.
- Cooldown: 60 sec
- Max HP -5,000 of enemies with Reprimand.
- If the target has the Reprimand effect, the attacker recovers 350 HP on hit.
- Allies that did not apply the Reprimand effect can attack the affected enemy to recover HP.
- The HP recovery effect has a 1 sec cooldown based on the struck target.
- e.g.: If multiple characters attack an enemy with the Reprimand effect, only the first attacker recovers HP.
- e.g.: After the 1 sec cooldown, only the first attacker recovers HP again.

Dragon Fang
- Increased the charges of the skill. (1 → 2)

Heaven's Fall
- Increased the charges of the skill. (1 → 2)
- Added Aal and Serrett branches.

- Deleted the Aal and Serrett branches.

Dance of the Black Tortoise
- Changed to apply Super Armor during the skill.
- Increased PvP damage.
Lv 1: 386.72% → 502.73%
Lv 10 : 492.03% → 639.64%

Phoenix Wings
- Increased PvP damage.
Lv 1: 240.13% → 288.15%
Lv 10 : 273.70% → 328.44%

Dance of the Blue Dragon
- Increased the duration of Super Armor during the skill finishing motion.

Phoenix Wings (Succession Skill)
- Increased PvP damage.
Lv 1: 312.16% → 374.60%
Lv 10 : 355.81% → 426.97%

Dance of the Blue Dragon (Succession Skill)
- Increased the duration of Super Armor during the skill finishing motion.

Radiant Charge
- Increased the travel distance.
- Increased PvE damage.
Lv 1: 420.90% → 547.17%
Lv 10 : 568.22% → 738.68%

Divine Wrath
- Increased PvP damage.
Lv 1 : 560.48% → 672.58%
Lv 10 : 728.62% → 874.35%

Judgment of Light
- Increased PvP damage.
Lv 1 : 409.73% → 450.7%
Lv 10 : 532.65% → 585.91%

Vorpal Thrust
- Increased attack speed.
- Increased PvE and PvP damage.
Lv 1 : 468.75% → 950%
Lv 10 : 609.37% → 1235%
Lv 1 : 223.12% → 450%
Lv 10 : 290.06% → 585%

Wings of Ruin
- Increased PvP damage.
Lv 1 : 918% → 1020%
Lv 10 : 1193.4% → 1326%

Brimbolt Tempest
- Changed to apply Super Armor during the skill. (Not applied in Arena)
- Increased PvP damage.
Lv 1 : 385.05% → 445%
Lv 10 : 500.56% → 578.5%

Draconic Shockwave
- Increased the attack range of the 2nd hit.
- Increased PvP damage.
Lv 1 : 390.15% → 470%
Lv 10 : 507.19% → 611%

Dragon Glide
- Decreased the cooldown by 1 sec.

Ground Zero
- Increased attack speed.
- Increased PvE and PvP damage.
Lv 1 : 811.2% → 975%
Lv 10 : 1054.5% → 1267.5%
Lv 1 : 198.9% → 300%
Lv 10 : 258.57% → 390%

Markthanan's Flight
- Changed to land faster by tapping the skill button again.
- Increased PvP damage.
Lv 1 : 425.68% → 510%
Lv 10 : 553.38% → 663%

Azure Claw
- Increased the cast speed and attack range.
- Decreased the travel distance.
- Added Ahib and Serrett branches.
- Added the skill enhancement Flow: Burst Leap.
Flow: Burst Leap
- Decrease skill speed slightly and increase the travel distance significantly when activated.

Rip and Tear
- Deleted the Aal and Serrett branches.
- Increased PvP damage.
Lv 1 : 357% → 430%
Lv 10 : 464.1% → 559%

- Increased PvP damage.
Lv 1 : 589.5% → 648.45%
Lv 10 : 766.35% → 842.99%

Spiteful Soul
- Increased PvP damage.
Lv 1 : 304.15% → 364.98%
Lv 10 : 396% → 475.2%

Savage Decree
- Changed to combo after Aerial Burst.

Sundering Roar
- Changed to apply Forward Guard and Rear Super Armor upon using the skill.
- Deleted the skill enhancement Super Armor.
- Added the skill enhancement HP Recovery.
New Content and Improvements
Eilton Defense
- Changed the rewards for Adventurers that rank 1st to 3rd place in Eilton Defense.
- Increased the chance to acquire [Necklace] Unknown Memory as the rank gets higher.
- Rewards for ranks below 3rd place remain the same.
- Voidsent Eye x1
- [Primal] Unknown Memory (Necklace) (Chance)
- [Abyssal] Unknown Memory (Necklace)
- Crimson Crown x30
- Chaos Crystal x1,000
- Alyaelli Fragment x1,000
- Voidsent Eye x1
- [Primal] Unknown Memory (Necklace) (Chance)
- [Abyssal] Unknown Memory (Necklace)
- Crimson Crown x25
- Chaos Crystal x800
- Alyaelli Fragment x1,000
- Voidsent Eye x1
- [Primal] Unknown Memory (Necklace) (Chance)
- [Abyssal] Unknown Memory (Necklace)
- Crimson Crown x20
- Chaos Crystal x700
- Alyaelli Fragment x1,000
4th to 24th
- Voidsent Eye x1
- [Primal] Unknown Memory (Necklace) x1 (Chance)
- [Abyssal] Unknown Memory (Necklace) x1
- Crimson Crown x10
- Chaos Crystal x500
- Alyaelli Fragment x1,000
25th to 30th
- Voidsent Eye x1
- [Abyssal] Unknown Memory (Necklace) x1
- Crimson Crown x5
- Chaos Crystal x250
- Alyaelli Fragment x1,000
- Added a weekly task for Atoraxxion.
- Changed the Atoraxxion alert message to "Weekly Atoraxxion Reward Available."
- The alert will be displayed if the weekly Atoraxxion reward was not collected.
- Improved to be able to assign a new Guild Master even if there is a Siege/Node War that the guild has bid on or is currently holding a castle/node.
- However, a new Guild Master cannot be assigned on the day of Siege/Node War.
- Added a Progress Graph to display the growth of a character over time.
- You can view the increased CP by week or month.
- Decreased the time it takes to be removed from the Battle of the Sun if found not participating in the fights.
- Changed the Emote dance items to no longer remain in the Pearl Inventory.
- Previously purchased and owned dance items have been deleted. Dances can be used immediately after purchase without the items.
- Changed the chat window to display group chat when new/returning Adventurers enter the game.
-The Lunar Halo Inn group is suggested for Adventurers who want to ask questions.
- Added a feature to share all equipped gear with other Adventurers in chat.
- You can share to the chat window by tapping the icon at the top of My Inventory.
- Added a shortcut button to move to the relevant content when accepting certain quests in the Adventurer Progression Log.
- Changed the color indicating the distance to the Wandering Merchants at the top right when they appear during Merchantry.
- Improved to allow restoration up to +7 when auto-enhancing Crystallized Totems.
- Restores by using the required quantity of Crystallized Totems for crafting up to +7 in the crafting recipe.
- e.g.: If enhancement fails at +7 and becomes a +6 Totem, use 19,000 Crystallized Totems to restore it to a +7 Totem.
- Added Eidolic Dawnveil Main Weapon, Sub-Weapon, Armor, Helmet, Shoes, Gloves, Bracelet of Blue Wishes, and Bracelet of Blue Wishes: Eternal to the Item Recovery Menu.
Error Fixes
- [Lupa] Fixed an issue where she stopped during auto-path after using Beast Rider.
- [Letanas] Fixed an issue where a wing did not appear when using the Legacy after Sundering Roar in Dragonblood state.
- [Yacha] Fixed an issue where Collapsing Sweep could not be used immediately during the finishing motion of the skill Energy Vacuum.
- Fixed an issue where some monsters would intermittently stop moving.
- Fixed an issue where the pillar of light indicating a Temple or specific location in the Great Desert would intermittently not appear.
- Fixed an issue where the camera angle would gradually tilt downward during combat in certain situations.
- Fixed an issue where the notification would not appear even when some Collection materials were available for registration.
- Fixed an issue where the Suggested Zone button was displayed even in Node Management status.
- Fixed an issue where requests did not disappear from the Received Requests in the Friend List after accepting or declining them.
- Fixed an issue where enemies did not disappear from the Enemies list after being deleted.
- Fixed an issue where guild names were displayed abnormally in the Friend List.
Upcoming Updates
Facebook Account Link
- After the update maintenance on Mar 25 (Tue), you will only be able to access the game with a Facebook account by linking it with one of the following accounts: Google, Apple, or LINE.
- Adventurers using a Facebook account will need to link it with a Google, Apple, or LINE account to play the game.
- Please refer to the notice below.
[Go now]
Black Shrine
- After the update maintenance on Mar 18 (Tue), Calamity 7 will be added to the Black Shrine: Altar of Blood, Beombawi Valley, and Songakshi Tomb.
-Please refer to this information when using your Black Shrine entry passes.
Medal of Honor Shop
- The Medal of Honor Shop is scheduled for a renewal during the Apr 8 (Tue) update maintenance.
- All Medals of Honor you currently own will be deleted during the Apr 8 (Tue) update maintenance.
- Medals of Honor refer to the currency used at the Medal of Honor Shops in each town.
- The Splendorous Medal of Honor and Extravagant Medal of Honor used with the merchants in the Guild Fortress are not affected.
- The amount of Medal of Honor obtained will be doubled starting after the update maintenance on Mar 18 (Tue) - until the Medal of Honor Shop renewal update.
- We have sent additional Medals of Honor during the update maintenance on Mar 11 (Tue) for Adventurers that have obtained them via Weekly and Monthly Tasks in the Arena, Ramoness, and Karkea in the time periods shown below:
-Monthly Tasks: Mar 1 (Sat), 00:00 - until maintenance on Mar 18 (Tue)
-Weekly Tasks: Mar 17 (Mon), 00:00 - until maintenance on Mar 18 (Tue)
Please refer to the above details when using the Medal of Honor.
Battlefield of the Sun: Forgotten Ruins
- During the update maintenance on April 1st (Tue), the Forgotten Ruins map will be removed from the Battlefield of the Sun.
- Thank you so much for all the support for Battlefield of the Sun: Forgotten Ruins.
- The Battlefield of the Sun will alternate between the maps Crimson Wind and Sandstorm Assault every other week.
New Events
Knowledge Power-Up Exchange
· Event Period: After maintenance on Mar 11, 2025 (Tue) - Mar 31, 2025 (Mon), 23:59
Knowledge Power-Up Event - Boss Rush Edition
· Event Period: After maintenance on Mar 11, 2025 (Tue) - Mar 17, 2025 (Mon), 23:59
Knowledge Power-Up Event - World Boss Edition
· Event Period: After maintenance on Mar 11, 2025 (Tue) - Mar 17, 2025 (Mon), 23:59
Ended Events
- New Tale Collections in the Land of the Morning Light!
- Imoogi's Scale Event
- Daily Login Event
- Imoogi's Scale Collection Missions
- Power Boost Project - Emblem
Pearl Shop
※ Products with a sales period marked [TBA] will be announced separately through future Patch Notes listed under the [Sales Ending] section.
※ For products with a set sales period, go to the Pearl Shop in-game and view the products.
New Products
- Special Pack + Recommended Items
- Limited Knowledge Power-Up Chest [3+1]
- Chaos Knowledge Chest
- Knowledge of Glory Pack
※ Available until Mar 31, 2025 (Mon), 23:59.
- Limited Knowledge Charm Pack [2+1]
※ Available until Mar 31, 2025 (Mon), 23:59.
- Encarotia's Boutique
- Encarotia's Boutique I
- Encarotia's Boutique II
- Encarotia's Boutique III
- Encarotia's Boutique IV
※ Available until Mar 31, 2025 (Mon), 23:59.
New Dance:
- Eye-catchin' Hip-Hop
※ Only available for classes released up to the Mar 11, 2025 update.
- New Outfit
Outfit | Class | Price |
Roselyn | Paladin, Lancer | 960 Black Pearls |

[March 4 Patch Notes] - 2025.03.03 (Official )

Patch Notes
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Greetings, Adventurers!
The Patch Notes for the update on Mar 4 (Tue) are here!
Adventurers, please see the newly applied patch notes and enjoy an even more exciting adventure.
※ All screenshots in the main text were taken on the test server and may differ from the actual update content.
If there are any discrepancies between the patch notes and the applied content in the game, please contact the support center.
New Difficulty for Black Shrine
Developer Commentary:
Gumiho, Golden Pig King, and Bari in the Black Shrine are stronger than ever with the new difficulty, Calamity 7.
In Calamity 7, you will need to move precisely and adapt to different combat situations. With the max energy increased to 13, make use of the energy appropriately for each boss together with your Memory Imprint effects.
When facing the cunning and agile Gumiho, make sure to keep track of the remaining time. Against the Golden Pig King, stay vigilant of its movements and watch for his deadly attacks.
While fighting Bari, remember that Bari's specter may not be lethal only to Adventurers.
The Calamity 7 difficulty for the other bosses is being prepared to be released in future updates, so we hope you look forward to them.
- Added the difficulty Calamity 7 to the Black Shrine's Yeowoo Cave, Golden Pig Cave, and Bari Forest.
ㆍ Complete Calamity 6 of the respective boss to enter Calamity 7.
ㆍ The completion rewards based on Black Spirit Level and the drop rate of Embers and Flame of Hongik are identical across all difficulties.
- Increased the Black Shrine max energy to 13.
ㆍ The max energy increases by 1 each time a difficulty is cleared. You cannot get more than the maximum amount.
- Complete Yeowoo Cave, Golden Pig Cave, and Bari Forest on Calamity 7 difficulty to obtain the Wink emoji.
- The Calamity 7 Reward Bundle can be obtained as a first completion reward for each boss.
ㆍ Use the bundle to obtain: Embers of Hongik x3, Supreme EXP Scrolls x1,200
- Added new achievements for the first completion of Calamity 7 for each boss.
ㆍ Obtain Crimson Crown x100 upon completion
- Changed the color of the attacks displayed on the ground for all bosses in the Black Shrine to be unified based on the type of attack.
・ Red: An attack that can be blocked with Forward Guard
・ Blue: An attack that penetrates Forward Guard
Adventurer Progression Log
Developer Commentary:
Currently, new and returning Adventurers of Black Desert Mobile can experience a more structured and steady form of growth through their progression characters.
Even after completing the Progression Pass, they can sequentially access various content through Progression Plus and Progression Plus 2. However, it still leaves Adventurers to ponder how to start increasing their CP.
To guide Adventurers who have completed Progression Plus 2, we have added the Adventurer Progression Log, which allows you to view the flow of content at a glance.
The Adventurer Progression Log categorizes content similarly to the existing Path to Power quests, allowing Adventurers to focus on growth through desired content quests or try out various content by exploring quests in multiple regions.
For instance, Adventurers who wish to quickly craft Dawnveil gear can diligently proceed with the Gear quests, while those who want to experience various content can undertake quests for Relics, Alchemy Stones, Totems, and more.
We hope that the Adventurer Progression Log, which allows you to personally select your goals, will enable the new and returning Adventurers to grow more steadily.
- Added an Adventurer Progression Log for new and returning Adventurers.
ㆍ Complete Progression Plus 2 to unlock.
ㆍ Accessible to Adventurers who created a new family after Dec 10, 2024 (Tue), 00:00.
ㆍ Accessible to returning Adventurers who have been offline for 90 days or more and returned after Dec 10, 2024 (Tue), 00:00.
ㆍ The Adventurer Progression Log will stay available until all the quests are completed.
- The Adventurer Progression Log can be accessed by tapping the icon on the right side of the minimap.
- You can obtain the progression log quest ticket x1 every day.
ㆍ Acquiring the item will immediately allow you to accept 3 quests.
ㆍ The number of quests you can accept is displayed in the top left corner of the Adventurer Progression Log menu.
- The stored number of quests you can accept is displayed in red to the right of the number of quests you can accept now.
- Unclaimed quest accepts accumulate for up to 5 days (15 quests) and can be claimed all at once by tapping the + button.
- The Adventurer Progression Log is categorized by content for growth.
- Select each quest to view the objectives and rewards.
- Accepting a quest will use 1 quest accept.
- You can accept up to 3 quests at a time.
- Accepted quests can be forfeited, but the number of acceptable quests will not be refunded.
- Removed the Path to Power.
ㆍ New and returning Adventurers can now progress at a steadier pace through the newly added Adventurer Progression Log.
New Content and Improvements
Suggested Monster Zone
- Added a feature that suggests monster zones suitable for your current CP.
ㆍ Use it by tapping the Suggest Zone button in the top left corner in the World Map screen.
- A suggested monster zone will now be displayed when you tap the button.
Facebook Linked Accounts
- Changed to be no longer able to create new accounts or link guest accounts to Facebook.
- If you are currently using a Facebook-linked account, a feature to change the link to Google, Apple, or LINE accounts will be added on the server selection screen in a future update.
- For details on how to change links to another account, please refer to the notice [Facebook Account Link Information].
- After the update maintenance on March 25 (Tue), you will only be able to access the game after changing your link from the Facebook account to a Google, Apple, or LINE account.
- [Lupa] Decreased the damage dealt to the World Boss.
- [Yacha] Added information about Cannot be grabbed to the skill descriptions for Hell Smash and Flow: Volcanic Hold.
- Added a feature to instantly complete dispatches for Alyaellis Rift, Constellation, Merchantry, and Hadum Knowledge.
- Improved the inventory to allow Condensed Dark Energy and Dense Dark Energy items to be stacked by grade in a single slot.
ㆍ The affected items that you owned were sent to your Mailbox.
- Changed the position of the HP bar displayed when dealing damage to the Outer Gate and Inner Gate during the Calpheon/Valencia Siege War.
- Added information about Nightmare: Jade Starlight Forest to the item description of Earth Essence.
- Changed the wording related to Twisted Nightmare in the Guild Skills to Nightmare.
Error Fixes
- [Deadeye] Fixed an issue where the skill Reach for the Sky with Flow: Bombs Burstin' in Air activated would not hit enemies when used with directional input.
- [Deadeye] Fixed an issue where the skill Reach for the Sky with Flow: Bombs Burstin' in Air activated was overly used to the left.
- [Lupa] Fixed an issue where the number of skill uses for Hot Spot decreased by 2 after using Lupine Pounce while mounted on Heuklang.
- [Lupa] Fixed an issue where she occasionally dismounted from Heuklang despite having remaining time.
- [Yacha] Fixed an issue where he occasionally got hit by grab skills while using a grab skill.
- Fixed an issue where the camera perspective was occasionally abnormal when using Evasion.
- Fixed an issue where you could not escape from being grabbed by an opponent.
- Fixed an issue where the effect would overlap when enchanting the Charm of Succession.
- Fixed an issue where tapping the Progression Pass coupon and guide banner went to another Adventurer's Guide.
- Fixed an issue where auto-pathing would not activate when pressing the quest widget during the quest "A Pig That Smells of Roses" in the Land of the Morning Light Tale Collection - Golden Pig King.
- Fixed an issue where the Baby Fairy was not displayed in the preview when checking the Baby Fairy ornament Owl Horn-Rimmed Glasses in the Pearl Shop.
- Fixed an issue where the numbers for Silver in possession that went over 100 trillion were cut off in the upper right corner.
Upcoming Updates
Black Shrine
- After the update maintenance on Mar 11 (Tue), the new difficulty Calamity 7 will be added to the Black Shrine: Tiger Palace, Shimnidae Forest, and Dokkebi Cave.
ㆍ Please refer to the above information regarding the use of Black Shrine entries.
New Events
Puzzle Event
· Event Period: After maintenance on Mar 4, 2025 (Tue) - Mar 17, 2025 (Mon), 23:59
Puzzle Piece Event
· Event Period: After maintenance on Mar 4, 2025 (Tue) - Mar 17, 2025 (Mon), 23:59
Lakia's Weekly Quest
· Event Period: After maintenance on Mar 4, 2025 (Tue) - Mar 16, 2025 (Sun), 23:59
Ended Events
Hammer of Fortune
Defeat the Bosses!
Great Desert Exploration
Progression Character Boost!
Winter Special Login!
February Monthly Login
Power-Up Event!
Pearl Shop
※ Products with a sales period marked [TBA] will be announced separately through future Patch Notes listed under the [Sales Ending] section.
※ For products with a set sales period, go to the Pearl Shop in-game and view the products.
New Products
- Lucky Shop
ㆍ Knowledge Lucky Shop
※ Available until March 31, 2025 (Mon), 23:59.
- Special Pack + Recommended Items
ㆍ Limited Knowledge Chest [2+1]
ㆍ Knowledge Support Chest
ㆍ Knowledge Selection Chest [2+1]
ㆍ Knowledge Enhancement Chest
※ Available for purchase until March 31, 2025 (Mon), 23:59.
- Adventurer Progression Log Quest Ticket
※ Available for purchase once per family per day.
▼ Purchase requirements are as follows:
- Must be a New Adventurer that started after Dec 10, 2024, or a Returning Adventurer who has been offline for 90 days or more and returned after Dec 10, 2024.
· Completed the final quest of Progression Plus 2 and the Story quest "Nightmarish Visions".
· Have not completed the Adventurer Progression Log.
- New Outfit
Outfit | Class | Price |
Ossa Cerberi | Titan, Destroyer | 960 Black Pearl |