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[Jul 23 Patch Notes] - 2024.07.23 (Official )
[Jul 23 Patch Notes]
UPDATES 2024.07.23

Patch Notes

[DE] Zur Ankündigung auf Deutsch [LINK]
[FR] Voir Annonce en français [LIEN]
[ES] Ver aviso en español [LINK]
[TH] อ่านประกาศภาษาไทย [LINK]
[ID] Baca pengumuman dalam bahasa Indonesia [Link]
[RU] Информация на русском [LINK]
[PT] Ver aviso em português [LINK]

Greetings, Adventurers!

The Patch Notes for the update on Jul 23 (Tue) are here!
Adventurers, please see the newly applied patch notes and enjoy an even more exciting adventure.

※ All screenshots in the main text were taken on the test server and may differ from the actual update content.
If there are any discrepancies between the patch notes and the applied content in the game, please contact the support center.

Open-World Item Acquisition Change


Developer Commentary:

In Black Desert Mobile, you can either obtain items immediately upon defeating monsters or through Spoils of Battle.

Previously, in open-world zones like the Great Desert, Everfrost, and the Land of the Sherekhan, items were looted immediately upon defeating monsters.

PvE in open-world zones is essential for progression. However, we recognized that this immediate item acquisition method could be burdensome for adventurers during extended sessions of manual play. Therefore, we have updated the system items will be looted through Spoils of Battle instead of immediate acquisition upon defeating monsters, aiming to reduce the burden of repetitive play for progression.

The item acquisition method was changed, but the total amount of loot obtained through auto-combat remains nearly identical, and the Flute of Unity effects will still apply.

Exploration time has also been reset to apply the new item acquisition method. After the update, adventurers will receive 2 hours of exploration time in the Great Desert, Everfrost, and the Land of the Sherekhan to ensure optimal access to content.

Also, a 100% Server Hot Time event with the same effect as the Flute of Unity will take place until the maintenance the following week. We will continue to do our best to ensure an enjoyable adventure in open-world zones.


- Changed items to be obtained through Spoils of Battle in the Great Desert, Everfrost, Land of the Sherekhan, and Frost Highlands.
ㆍ Increased the respawn rate of monsters.
- Adjusted the number of the same type of monsters in each mob to be identical in Everfrost and Land of the Sherekhan.

- Spoils of Battle in the Great Desert, Everfrost, and the Land of the Sherekhan are affected by the following items and effects:
ㆍ Normal Combat Buff, Advanced Combat Buff, Fortune Scroll, Flute of Unity, Lucky Stone effect, Lucky Black Dragon (pet) effect, Node Conquer effect, Offer Relic effect
ㆍ The [Flute of Unity] affects the Item Drop Rate applied upon opening Spoils of Battle.

- Changed the Spoil Drop Cooldown to reset when moving from a zone with to a zone without a Purified Water, Citron Tea, or Clockwork cost.
ㆍ The same applies when reviving at a town.
ㆍ Changed the Spoil Drop Cooldown to not progress when the character is dead until they revive in place.

- Changed the Fairy Skill "Auto-Pickup: Desert Loot & Oyster" effect to "Desert Spoil Drop Rate Boost/Auto-Pickup: Oyster."
ㆍ Improved the Spoil Drop Rate Boost effect in the Great Desert to increase by 0.5% per skill level, up to a maximum of 5%.
ㆍ The Oyster Auto-Pickup skill effect will remain unchanged.
ㆍ To allow adventurers to use the changed Fairy skill immediately, we have sent [Nostalgic Fairy Tales] x7, [[Select] Vase of Dawnlight Dew] x3, and [Whispering Dew] x1.
ㆍ The above items can be collected from the mailbox until the maintenance on Aug 6 (Tue).
- Changed "Violent" monsters in the Great Desert Outlaw Zone to spawn based on a specified rate instead of at regular intervals.

- After the Spoils of Battle update, events will be held to ensure adventurers can optimally enjoy the content.
ㆍ 2 hours of additional exploration time for the Great Desert, Everfrost, and Land of the Sherekhan will be given.
ㆍ From the update maintenance on Jul 23 (Tue) to until the maintenance on Jul 30 (Tue), a 100% Server Hot Time identical to the Flute of Unity effect will be in progress in the Great Desert, Everfrost, and Land of the Sherekhan.
ㆍ Until the server Hot Time ends on Jul 30 (Tue) before maintenance, the use of the Flute of Unity item will be temporarily restricted, and the item will not be available for sale.

- Due to the Spoils of Battle update, the following actions have been taken:
ㆍ All remaining exploration time for Great Desert, Everfrost, and Land of the Sherekhan have been reset.
ㆍ All uncollected Purified Water, Citron Tea, and Clockwork have been reset.
ㆍ Purified Water, Citron Tea, and Clockwork items you own and the chests containing these items have expired.
ㆍ Chests containing Purified Water, Citron Tea, and Clockwork that do not have a separate expiration date will be maintained.
ㆍ Changed the remaining time of the [Flute of Unity] buff effect to disappear as of the end of maintenance on Jul 23 (Tue), and sent the disappeared remaining time as an item.

- After the update maintenance, you can accept and proceed with quests from the Mercenary Board in Everfrost and the Call-Up Mission Board in the Land of the Sherekhan.
- You can purchase Citron Tea items and Monthly Content Pass Support Chest items sold for Pearls and Black Pearls in the Pearl Shop.



Developer Commentary:

"Since the two factions, Calpheon and Valencia, installed the Holy Artifacts and began their standoff, quite some time has passed. Now, a new wind is starting to blow in the Forgotten Ruins.

There have been movements to relocate the base to a hill for safer defense against enemy attacks and to prepare for a long-term battle. During this time, a new fortress was discovered.

It was clear that the faction that occupied the fortress would undoubtedly win this battle, and to put an end to the prolonged combat, both factions began to move again."

Battlefield of the Sun: Forgotten Ruins will have a Neutral Fortress added.

We have preserved the fun elements from the Crimson Wind and Sandstorm Assault maps, which adventurers have enjoyed for a long time, while minimizing the complexity that required strategic team movements for victory.

In the improved battlefield, you will be able to experience the inherent fun of a large-scale battle. To win, you must secure more Contribution Points by endlessly attacking and defending the Neutral Fortress.

Even without real-time communication or strategy among team members, you can still obtain Contribution Points by attacking the fortress together or by engaging in combat with enemies away from your team.

Elephants, Cannons, and Hwachas still exist, so adventurers who primarily operated these items can still contribute to the team's victory.

We hope you experience unforgettable battles in the newly changed Forgotten Ruins battlefield.


- Changed from Holy Artifact (Node War) form to Neutral Fortress Siege form.
ㆍ Decreased the battle time from 10 minutes to 8 minutes.
ㆍ The team with higher Contribution at the end achieves Victory.

- The battlefield will feature one big Neutral Fortress and two small Fortresses.
ㆍ Each time the Max HP of the big Neutral Fortress decreases by 10%, 20 points will be sent to each member of the team that dealt higher damage, and 10 points will be sent to each member of the team that dealt lower damage.
ㆍ Each time the Max HP of the small Neutral Fortress decreases by 10%, 15 points will be sent to each member of the team that dealt higher damage, and 5 points will be sent to each member of the team that dealt lower damage.

- Changed the Fortress to be captured by the faction that dealt damage last.
ㆍ Attack the Fortress occupied by the opposing faction and reduce its HP to 0% for your team to occupy it.

- You can check the Contribution by Faction, the occupying status of the Fortresses, and the remaining HP at the top central part of the screen.

- Changed the initial start location for each faction to be on the hill.
- Decreased the number of respawn points to one, allowing revival only at the initial start location.


- Added a path to the center of the battlefield from which the characters can use to go down and up the hill.

- The Commander and Cannoneer do not appear.
- At the start of the battle, 2 Cannons are placed in each Faction.
ㆍ Changed to place 1 additional Elite Cannon in each Faction after 1 minute from the start of the battle.
- Changed to spawn 1 Elephant in each Faction's Node 30 seconds after the start of the battle.
- Adventurers with the Faction Sword cannot mount Cannons or Elephants.

※ The updated version of the Battlefield of the Sun: Forgotten Ruins will be available from the battlefield after Jul 31 (Wed).

Developer Commentary:

With the updates and content expansions being added to Black Desert Mobile, the required system resources for mobile devices are continuously increasing.

We are striving to provide a better gaming environment for our adventurers by listening to your feedback through various channels such as the customer support center and forums.

After much deep thought, we were able to show you the results recently. By introducing parallel processing and improving system computation efficiency, we enhanced responsiveness in full-scale wars, which require a lot of resources.

Additionally, we improved the loading speed and smoothness of various menus, such as opening the inventory, through UI load and memory usage optimization. For iOS, we improved the memory allocation process, and for AOS, we improved file loading and CPU core usage efficiency, allowing for a more optimal gaming experience.

We plan to continue these efforts. We are preparing improvements in various areas, such as reducing system load caused by network usage, alleviating abnormal terminations due to resource shortages on low-spec devices, optimizing resources used in full-scale wars, and providing better resolution on high-resolution devices.

We sincerely thank you for your unwavering interest and love, and we will do our best to provide a better gaming environment.

- Improved the app responsiveness on some Android systems.
ㆍ Improved the process of reading and using game resources such as game execution, moving locations, and game UI refreshes.
ㆍ Improved the game app to utilize the CPU more efficiently.

Error Fixes

- [Scholar] Fixed an issue where the character's basic attack was used during auto-combat even when set to manual use.
- [Letanas] Fixed an issue where the appearance and dye of Lethena Weapon were not displayed.
- [Blade Master] Fixed an issue where the character could not combo into "Retaliation" after "Divider" when setting "Retaliation" to manual use.
- Fixed an issue where the wings were displayed abnormally when another adventurer's class was Letanas.

- Fixed an issue where status effects were applied to "Violent" monsters appearing in Donghae Province.
- Fixed an issue where monsters could not attack from on top of rocks in Looney Cabin and Polly's Forest zone.

Due to the emergency maintenance, the Node War on Jul 19 (Fri) on the ASIA server did not proceed as planned. We have taken the following actions during the update maintenance.

■ Common
- Returned the bid amount and declare points used to guilds that bid on the Node War on Jul 19 (Fri).
ㆍThe returned declare points do not exceed the maximum amount.
ㆍThe returned bid amount and declare points can be checked in the guild and guild fortress.
- Removed the penalty for not participating in the Node War.
- Applied the difference in the quantity of [Extravagant Medal of Honor] that can be obtained upon victory/defeat to guild members of guilds that could not participate or failed to capture a Node.
ㆍTier 1 Node: 2
ㆍTier 2 Node: 5
ㆍTier 3 Node: 7

■ Node War (19:00 - 20:00)
- Measures have been taken to allow guilds that owned a Node to distribute bonuses.
ㆍ For guilds that owned the same Node on Jul 12 (Fri) but did not distribute bonuses until the emergency maintenance on Jul 19 (Fri), the bonuses (Silver) have been evenly distributed to the current guild members. Additionally, Node rewards have been provided according to the Node tier.

■ Node War (21:00 - 22:00)
- Guilds that lost their occupied nodes have been compensated with 7 days' worth of taxes from the respective nodes.
ㆍThe distributed taxes can be viewed from the Guild Fortress.


Starting Events

Collect Heidel Ball Tokens
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 23 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 29 (Mon), 2024, 23:59
Heidel Lucky Fountain
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 23 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 29 (Mon), 2024, 23:59
Heidel Ball Special Missions
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 23 (Tue), 2024 - Aug 5 (Mon), 2024, 23:59
2024 Heidel Ball Special Shop
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 23 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 28 (Sun), 2024, 23:59

Good to Have You Back! Returning Adventurers!
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 23 (Tue), 2024 - Until further notice

Ended Events

· Dream Horse Challenge!
· Six Events for June!
· Season Completion Boost
· Alpaca Race!
· Asula Bandits
· Season Plus
· Season Plus 2
· Registration Gifts
· GM Meldor's Bingo Event
· GM Meldor's Bingo Pass Event
· Candy From GM Meldor's Friend, Talish!
· GM Gift Contest

Pearl Shop

※ Products with a sales period marked [TBA] will be announced separately through future Patch Notes listed under the [Sales Ending] section.
※ For products with a set sales period, go to the Pearl Shop in-game and view the products.

New Products

- Special Pack > Special Package
· Cursed Boss Rush Chest
· Khan/Kutum Conquer Pack
· Extravagant Adventure Chest [3+1]
※ These items can be purchased until Jul 29 (Mon), 2024, 23:59.

- New Outfits

Outfit Class Price
Anemos Sura 960 Black Pearls
[Sura - Anemos]
[Jul 16 Patch Notes] - 2024.07.16 (Official )
[Jul 16 Patch Notes]
UPDATES 2024.07.16

Patch Notes

[DE] Zur Ankündigung auf Deutsch [LINK]
[FR] Voir Annonce en français [LIEN]
[ES] Ver aviso en español [LINK]
[TH] อ่านประกาศภาษาไทย [LINK]
[ID] Baca pengumuman dalam bahasa Indonesia [Link]
[RU] Информация на русском [LINK]
[PT] Ver aviso em português [LINK]

Greetings, Adventurers!

The Patch Notes for the update on Jul 16 (Tue) are here!
Adventurers, please see the newly applied patch notes and enjoy an even more exciting adventure.

※ All screenshots in the main text were taken on the test server and may differ from the actual update content.
If there are any discrepancies between the patch notes and the applied content in the game, please contact the support center.

Guild History


Developer Commentary:

A Guild History feature was added to help you remember the adventures with your guild members for a long time. This new feature records joining and leaving a guild, guild progression, and participation in various guild activities.

It will allow the Guild Master and Officer to manage their guild more conveniently. Also, info on the entire bidding process for Node/Siege Wars and the status of declaring war can also be viewed by period.

We hope that the addition of this Guild History feature will improve guild management and help you look back on the paths you took with your guild members.

- Added a Guild History feature to the Guild menu.
ㆍ You can check the main history by year and month.
ㆍ Only the history for after the update will be displayed, excluding the guild creation date and guild join date.

- The details recorded under Guild History are as follows:

Guild History UI
Guild Created
Joined Guild
Left Guild
Kicked from Guild
Declared War
War Declared Against Us
Guild Leveled Up
Acquired Guild Skill
Guild Tax Withdrawal
Distributed Guild Bonus
Guild Name Changed
Donated Weapon
Enhanced Annex
Successful Siege War Bid
Successful Node War Bid
Participated in Content (Elite Raid/Guild Rush/Capotia/Capotia Practice Mode)
Assigned Master
Appointed Officer
Dismissed Officer
Received Guild Gift
Siege/Node War Victory
Siege/Node War Defeat
Attempted Siege War Bid
Siege War Bid Failed/Canceled
Attempted Node War Bid
Node War Bid Failed/Canceled




Developer Commentary:

This update is an extension of the previous update.

We've improved the passive skills' effects for Shai, Fletcher, and Drakania to reset when meeting the activation conditions and increased the duration of passives in combat.

Flow skill enhancements were added to certain skills for Maegu and Huntress, boosting PvE efficiency as they can be utilized during auto-combat.

Additionally, you can still utilize these in combat while moving if you deactivate the skill enhancement.


Musical Genius
- Changed to renew the duration when the activation conditions are met even while the skill effect is active.


Piercing Darkness
- Changed to renew the duration when the activation conditions are met even while the skill effect is active.



Ionic Charge
- Changed to renew the duration when using "Brimbolt Wave," "Wings of Ruin," or "Vorpal Thrust" by spending 50 MP while "Ionic Overflow" is active.



Vorpal Thrust
- Changed to roll when using Evasion without entering the arrow keys after the skill.



Azure Claw
- Changed to roll when using Evasion without entering the arrow keys after the skill.



Knee Thrust
- Improved to use the skill during auto-combat even when enemies are nearby.



Charm: Sigil Shot
- Added "Flow: Unfold."
ㆍ When activated, the attack will be performed in place.



Blasting Gust
- Added "Flow: Power Shot."
ㆍ When activated, the attack will be performed in place.



- Improved to display the Fortress number in the upper center of the screen to make the location of Neutral Fortresses more recognizable during Fortress Siege.
- Changed the text that was separately displayed as "node object" and "siege object" to be unified to "node/siege object."
- Improved to navigate to the Fortress when tapping the Fortress icon on the upper center of the screen during Fortress Siege.
- Changed the Node War/Siege War to end within a maximum of 15 seconds after the time is up.


- Reset Trials of Ator: Elite entries and the First Clear Reward information.
ㆍ Existing highest difficulty clear ranks will be maintained.

- Improved the app stability and usability.
ㆍ The performance will be improved by optimizing the device memory usage.
ㆍ Game optimization processes will be applied.
- Changed to prevent the character from occupying a Battlefield of the Sun Node while Invincible.

- Added an icon to the content screen indicating whether the boss damage increase effect is applied.
ㆍ The "A world boss." text will display when you tap the icon.
- Added an icon to display when your pets' fullness is low in Sleep Mode.
- Improved to drag the screen even when tapping the region icons on the World Map.

Error Fixes

- [Huntress] Fixed an issue where the character was displayed abnormally when stopping movement upon entering towns in Merchantry.
- [Blade Master/Warlord] Fixed an issue where the cloak and string were displayed abnormally when wearing the Academia Outfit.
- [Sage] Fixed an issue where a character would immediately perform an attack when using Evasion or "Spatial Collapse" after death during "Spatial Collapse."
- [Sage] Fixed an issue where "Super Armor," "Forward Guard," and more were not applied when using a skill while holding a directional key after Evasion.
- [Sage] Fixed an issue where Branch effects were not applied to certain skills when participating in content including Path of Glory.
- [Sage] Fixed an issue where, at times, Super Armor was not applied when using "Phase Shift" after "Wormhole."
- [Titan] Fixed an issue where, at times, Super Armor was not applied when using "Beastly Wind Slash" with the flow skill active then comboing to another skill during "Therianthropy."

- Fixed an issue where, at times, the horse's Quantum Jump was used in specific situations.
- Fixed an issue where attempting to exit immediately after entering the Arena would not allow you to leave the match.
- Fixed an issue where the difficulties were not completed at times after defeating Songakshi in Black Shrine.
- Fixed an issue where the movement and rotation distance varied depending on the frame rate of the device running the game.
- Fixed an issue where the range increase effect of Cannon Observatories was not applied correctly.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to move to specific locations in the Frost Plains Ruins.
- Fixed an issue where the wagon would display abnormally in the Manage Wagon menu when a horse equipped with barding was connected to it.
- Fixed an issue where the move speed was excessively fast temporarily when Judgment of Aal moved and accelerated.
- Fixed an issue where monsters were getting stuck at the Black Rock Altars in the Hystria Ruins of the Great Desert.

- Fixed an issue where the Restoration screen could not be closed under certain conditions while auto-enhancing Relics.
- Fixed an issue where stats were not displayed in certain items' info windows when exchanging with Igor Bartali in Velia.
- Fixed an issue where the widget for responding to Assemble used during Node War would still display after the match ended.
- Removed details related to Hadum Boss Rush from the description of the "Boss Rush Multiplier" Fairy skill.


Early Notice

- Starting from the update maintenance on Jul 23 (Tue), monster defeat rewards in the Great Desert, Everfrost, and the Land of the Sherekhan will be obtained through Spoils of Battle.
ㆍ The waiting time to discover Spoils of Battle will be set to 1 minute and 40 seconds.
ㆍ In the Great Desert, Spoils of Battle will replace the Great Desert Loot.
ㆍ When moving from non-consumption zones to consumption zones for Purified Water, Citron Tea, and Clockwork, the waiting time to discover Spoils of Battle will reset, allowing discovery after 1 minute and 40 seconds.

- During the update maintenance on Jul 23 (Tue), the following actions will be taken regarding the Great Desert, Everfrost, and the Land of the Sherekhan:
ㆍ Exploration times for each zone will be reset, and two hours of adventure time will be provided after the update maintenance.
ㆍ The expiration dates for any Citron Tea, Purified Water, Clockwork, or chests containing these items you own will expire.
ㄴ Chests without a specific expiration date are excluded from this action.
ㆍ The counts of uncollected Citron Tea, Purified Water, and Clockwork will be reset.
※ With the above, the "Flute of Unity" hot time event will be in progress for a week after the update.
- Period: After maintenance on Jul 23 (Tue) to until maintenance on Jul 30 (Tue)
- Details: The same hot time effect as the [Flute of Unity] buff will be applied in the Great Desert, Everfrost, and Land of the Sherekhan
- Applies to: All adventurers
ㆍ Due to the above event, usage of the [Flute of Unity] will temporarily be restricted after the maintenance on Jul 23 (Tue). You can use the item after the maintenance on Jul 30 (Tue).
ㆍAll the remaining time for the [Flute of Unity] buff will disappear after the maintenance on Jul 23 (Tue), and we will convert that remaining time into items and distribute them.

ㆍ From Jul 22 (Mon), 00:00, you will not be able to proceed with Mercenary Board missions in Everfrost or Call-Up Board missions in the Land of the Sherekhan. These will be available again after the update maintenance on Jul 23 (Tue).
ㆍ Sales of the Citron Tea Pearl items, Citron Tea Pearl/Black Pearl items, and Monthly Content Pass Support Chest will be temporarily restricted at 00:00 on Jul 22 (Mon), and will resume after the update maintenance on Jul 23 (Tue).
ㆍ Adventurers are advised to take note of the above information regarding the use of the Great Desert, Everfrost, and the Land of the Sherekhan.

- The season ends with the update maintenance on Jul 23 (Tue).
- Your season character will transition to a normal character, and you cannot further proceed with the Season Pass.
- The Season Pass is available for purchase until Jul 21 (Sun), 23:59 and you cannot receive rewards for Season Pass quests you have not completed once the season ends.
- The following measures will be taken if you haven't completed the season.
ㆍ Tuvala Weapon/Armor, Accessories, Relics, Totems, Alchemy Stones, Scrolls, Chests, and all season-related items will be deleted.
ㆍ All completed, in progress, not completed Season Pass quests will be deleted.
- The following measures will be taken for the Tuvala Gear in possession.

Tuvala Gear Awakened Enhancement at End of Season Received Gear at End of Season
Tuvala Weapon/Armor  Awakened Enhancement +14 or below +0 Chaos Weapon/Armor
Awakened Enhancement +15 +1 Chaos Weapon/Armor
Awakened Enhancement +16 +2 Chaos Weapon/Armor
Awakened Enhancement +17 +3 Chaos Weapon/Armor
Awakened Enhancement +18 +4 Chaos Weapon/Armor
Awakened Enhancement +19 +5 Chaos Weapon/Armor
Awakened Enhancement +20 +6 Chaos Weapon/Armor
Tuvala Accessory Awakened Enhancement +6 or below +0 Chaos Accessory
Awakened Enhancement +7 +1 Chaos Accessory
Awakened Enhancement +8 +2 Chaos Accessory
Awakened Enhancement +9 +3 Chaos Accessory
Awakened Enhancement +10 +4 Chaos Accessory
Tuvala Totem No Enhancement +0 Primal Rift Totem
+6 Abyssal Totem
Enhancement +1 +1 Primal Rift Totem
+6 Abyssal Totem
Enhancement +2 +2 Primal Rift Totem
+6 Abyssal Totem
Enhancement +3 +3 Primal Rift Totem
+6 Abyssal Totem
Enhancement +4 +4 Primal Rift Totem
+6 Abyssal Totem
Enhancement +5 +5 Primal Rift Totem
+6 Abyssal Totem
Enhancement +6 +7 Primal Rift Totem
+6 Abyssal Totem
Enhancement +7 +9 Primal Rift Totem
+6 Abyssal Totem
Enhancement +8 +11 Primal Rift Totem
+6 Abyssal Totem
Enhancement +9 +13 Primal Rift Totem
+6 Abyssal Totem
Enhancement +10 +15 Primal Rift Totem
+6 Abyssal Totem
Tuvala Relic Enhancement +4 or below +0 Primal Relic
Enhancement +5 +1 Primal Relic
Enhancement +6 +2 Primal Relic
Enhancement +7 +3 Primal Relic
Enhancement +8 +4 Primal Relic
Enhancement +9 +5 Primal Relic
Enhancement +10 +6 Primal Relic
Tuvala Alchemy Stone Before it is Awakened +0 Primal Alchemy Stone
Awakened Enhancement +3 or below
Awakened Enhancement +4 +1 Primal Alchemy Stone
Awakened Enhancement +5 +2 Primal Alchemy Stone
Awakened Enhancement +6 +3 Primal Alchemy Stone
Awakened Enhancement +7 +4 Primal Alchemy Stone
Awakened Enhancement +8 +5 Primal Alchemy Stone
Awakened Enhancement +9 +6 Primal Alchemy Stone
Awakened Enhancement +10 +7 Primal Alchemy Stone

- Only one of the highest level in possession/equipped will be compensated and all items will be sent to The in-game mailbox.
- If you have all Tuvala Gear required to complete the season after completing the Season Pass, the season will be completed and the Dazzling Completion Certificate will also be sent to your in-game mailbox.
ㆍ You can exchange a Dazzling Completion Certificate for one of the completion rewards from Igor Bartali in Velia.


Starting Events

GM Meldor's Bingo Event
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 16 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 22 (Mon), 2024, 23:59
GM Meldor's Bingo Pass Event
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 16 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 22 (Mon), 2024, 23:59
Candy From GM Meldor's Friend, Talish!
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 16 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 22 (Mon), 2024, 23:59
GM Gift Contest
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 16 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 22 (Mon), 2024, 23:59

Ended Events

· GM Baloo's Daily Diamond Party
· GM Baloo's Almond
· GM Baloo's Login Missions
· From GM Baloo
· Kayal Nesser's Treasure
· Siege/Node War Bonus Event!
· BRC Guess the Victor!

Pearl Shop

※ Products with a sales period marked [TBA] will be announced separately through future Patch Notes listed under the [Sales Ending] section.
※ For products with a set sales period, go to the Pearl Shop in-game and view the products.

New Products

- Special Pack > Special Package
· Lucky Shop Pack
· Luminescent Enhancement Chest
· Golden Co-op Pack
· Shakatu's Secret Storage [2+1]
※ These items can be purchased until Jul 29 (Mon), 2024, 23:59.

- New Outfits

Outfit Class Price
Anemos Kunoichi 960 Black Pearls
[Kunoichi - Anemos]
[Jul 9 Patch Notes] - 2024.07.09 (Official )
[Jul 9 Patch Notes]
UPDATES 2024.07.09

Patch Notes

[DE] Zur Ankündigung auf Deutsch [LINK]
[FR] Voir Annonce en français [LIEN]
[ES] Ver aviso en español [LINK]
[TH] อ่านประกาศภาษาไทย [LINK]
[ID] Baca pengumuman dalam bahasa Indonesia [Link]
[RU] Информация на русском [LINK]
[PT] Ver aviso em português [LINK]

Greetings, Adventurers!

The Patch Notes for the update on Jul 9 (Tue) are here!
Adventurers, please see the newly applied patch notes and enjoy an even more exciting adventure.

※ All screenshots in the main text were taken on the test server and may differ from the actual update content.
If there are any discrepancies between the patch notes and the applied content in the game, please contact the support center.

Black Shrine


Developer Commentary:

Black Shrine is content where you challenge bosses, each representing a tale of the Land of the Morning Light. You must select and control the Energies wisely to destroy and defeat the bosses. Bosses gradually become stronger from Calamity 1 to Calamity 6, and their attack patterns become more varied.

It's been about two months since the Calamity 6 update, and to make it easier for more adventurers to challenge Calamity 6, we have re-evaluated the attack methods and abilities of the Calamity 6 bosses in the Black Shrine. We will apply the improvements in this update.

The main changes focus on maintaining the core challenge content of retaliating against the bosses' attacks and strategizing according to the situation.

Also, we increased the Max Energy, allowing for better utilization of Energy. We've adjusted the boss attack timings so that you can inflict sufficient damage rather than just avoiding attacks.

Elements that made strategizing attacks unnecessarily difficult have been removed or alleviated, making it easier to succeed in the challenge by understanding the core strategy.


- Increased the Max Energy in Black Shrine to 12.
ㆍ The Max Energy increases by 1 for each successful first attempt of each difficulty level for each boss.

Yeowoo Cave
- Changed Gumiho's clones and jars to appear simultaneously.
- Changed the Black Spirit's lines relevant to the appearance of the jars.

Dokkebi Cave
- Increased the HP consumed when the Soldierkkebi turn into lightning and attack.
- Added Black Spirit lines that announce the appearance of the second group of Soldierkkebi.
- Soldierkkebi will be stunned when transforming into lightning and attacking, with the attack range marked in blue.
ㆍ You can avoid the blue attack range by timing your movements to when the Soldierkkebi are stunned.
- Optimized the visual effects for the lightning explosion attack.

Tiger Palace
- Delayed Sangoon's frenzied state by 10 seconds.
- Extended the startup time for Sangoon's frenzied attack, while shortening the attack duration.
ㆍ Attacking during the extended startup time will deal more damage to Sangoon than before.

Songakshi Tomb
- Improved the scarlet tears shed by the real Songakshi to be more visible.
- Improved charms to be seen from a greater distance.
ㆍ When the character attacks Songakshi, they take damage due to the charm's effect. Using energy for "Recover HP when attacking" will help maintain HP more stably.
- Added a new Black Spirit line to indicate the charm that can deal significant damage against Songakshi.

Beombawi Valley
- Improved the red attack range of Apex Changui to be indicated in Calamity 6 like the previous Calamities.
- Reduced the max HP of Tiger Changui.
- Increased the damage taken by the Apex Changui each time the energy goes against the current.
- Changed the reddish effect that indicates the combat zone boundary from red to orange.

Bari Forest
- Decreased the rate of Bari's teleportation after the Great General appears.
- Added a preparing motion before Bari teleports, and changed the area indicated on the ground to yellow.
- Added Black Spirit lines warning Bari's powerful attacks.

Altar of Blood
- Decreased the range and damage of Oduksini's central pull attack.
- Decreased the range and damage of Oduksini's melee attack after jumping.
- Added a Black Spirit line for when the character's HP is below half.




Developer Commentary:

In this class balance adjustment, we are implementing three major updates.

First, we are making balance changes for Phantasma, Void Knight, and Destroyer, classes that have shown lower performance overall or had issues with the renewal of passive skill durations.

We have enhanced passive skills and increased the utility of certain skills, making them more useful than before.

Secondly, we are focusing on instant-cast skills. These skills can be used immediately even while using other skills. In this update, we have added instant-cast effects to some skills of classes that previously did not have any.

To help you identify which skills can be instantly activated, we have added the phrase "Instant activation available" to their descriptions.

Lastly, we are introducing a skill enhancement that reduces movement distance. Some class skills involve significant movement, which can reduce efficiency during auto-combat by causing the classes to stray from monster groups and then return.

We have added an skill enhancement to these skills, allowing you to use them in place during auto-combat when the effect is activated. When the effect is deactivated, the skills will function as they did before, involving movement.

We are currently reviewing all classes and plan to gradually expand the scope of these adjustments.


- Added the text "Instant activation available" to the description of skills that can be used instantly during other skills.



- Improved to be able to use the skill immediately during other skills.
- Added "Flow: Nightfall."

Flow: Nightfall
- Triple the damage of "Nightpierce"
- Change skill action when activated


Cross Slash
- "1 additional hit" upon skill use with Magic Activation is in effect



Obsidian Ashes
- "Forward Guard for 0.5 sec" upon skill use with Magic Activation in effect



Legacy of the Vedir
- "Burn: 150 damage every sec for 3 sec" upon skill use with Magic Activation in effect





Scattering Darkness
- Upon activating the "Scattering Darkness" status, 50% of your Magic is consumed.
- Decreased the Magic cost from 10 to 5 while "Scattering Darkness" is active.
- While "Scattering Darkness" is active, if your Magic reaches 100, 50 Magic will be consumed, and the effect duration will be renewed.



Twin Slash
- When "Flow: Specter Slash" is activated, using the skill allows for faster additional attacks.
- When "Flow: Specter Slash" is activated, using the skill increases the time spent in the air, movement distance, and attack range.



Vediant Shockwave
- Increased attack range.
- Improved to be able to use the skill immediately during other skills.



Nova Chain
- Improved to combo with "Umbral Pillars."



Pneumatic Burst
- Improved to combo with "Supernova."



Nightpierce (Succession Skill)
- Improved to be able to use the skill immediately during other skills.
- Added "Flow: Nightfall."

Flow: Nightfall
- Triple the damage of "Nightpierce"
- Change skill action when activated




- Decreased damage dealt against field bosses.


- When the activation conditions are met while the effect is active, the idle time is renewed.



Funeral Blast
- "Forward Guard for 2 sec" upon skill use with "Radiant Heat" in effect




- Increased damage dealt against field bosses.


Viper Strike
- Changed to not teleport to the target without holding the skill button after the skill.



- Improved to be able to use the skill immediately during other skills.


- Decreased damage dealt against field bosses.

Flurry of Arrows
- Improved the speed of the startup and follow-up motions.




Bolt Storm
- Improved to be able to use the skill immediately during other skills.



- Added "Flow: Fixed Shot."
ㆍ When activated, it attacks from a stationary position.




- Improved to be able to use the skill immediately during other skills.




Somersault Kick
- Improved to be able to use the skill immediately during other skills.




Twin Dragon
- Improved to be able to use the skill immediately during other skills.




Lightning Crash
- Improved to be able to use the skill immediately during other skills.



- Improved to be able to use the skill immediately during other skills.




Thunderclap (Succession Skill)
- Improved to be able to use the skill immediately during other skills.




Keep Away
- Added "Flow: Precision Shot."
ㆍ When activated, the attack will be performed in place.




Smooth Sailin'
- Added "Flow: Crouch Shot."
ㆍ When activated, the attack will be performed in place.


Smooth Sailin' (Succession Skill)
- Added "Flow: Crouch Shot."
ㆍ When activated, the attack will be performed in place.



- Added a skip feature for certain quests and mission cutscenes for the Tale Collection.
ㆍ This does not apply to cutscenes containing essential content.


- Improved to navigate the character to the nearest Orwen when tapping "Orwen" from the item description of [Roaring Energy].
- Increased the time required for "Violent" monsters in normal field, Hadum, and Chaos zones to respawn.

Error Fixes

- [Askeia/Mystic] Fixed an issue where the basic attack was used during auto-combat even when the feature was deactivated.
- [Scholar] Fixed an issue where the HP recovery effect was applied twice when using a Serrett branch skill only once.
- [Grandmaster/Yacha] Fixed an issue where the preview of "Energy Vacuum" with "Flow: Tempest Fangs" enabled was displayed incorrectly when holding the skill button in the skill menu.
- [Sage] Fixed an issue where the preview of "Wormhole" was displayed incorrectly when holding the skill button in the skill menu.

- Fixed an issue where the UI that displays the Holy Artifact's HP on the bottom left of the screen in Node War would display even after the Holy Artifact was destroyed.
- Fixed an issue where the display of my kills/deaths count was abnormal in certain situations during Node War.
- Fixed an issue where the icon was displayed abnormally in certain situations when performing Branch Enhancement on iOS devices.


Early Notice

- After the update maintenance on Jul 16 (Tue), the entries for Trials of Ator: Elite will be reset.
 ㆍ Once the entries for Trials of Ator: Elite are reset, you can complete the previously cleared trials again by level to obtain the clear rewards.
 ㆍ The previously recorded highest difficulty clear rank will be kept.

- Starting from the update maintenance on Jul 23 (Tue), monster defeat rewards in the Great Desert, Everfrost, and the Land of the Sherekhan will be obtained through Spoils of Battle.
ㆍ The waiting time to discover Spoils of Battle will be set to 1 minute and 40 seconds.
ㆍ In the Great Desert, Spoils of Battle will replace the Great Desert Loot.
ㆍ When moving from non-consumption zones to consumption zones for Purified Water, Citron Tea, and Clockwork, the waiting time to discover Spoils of Battle will reset, allowing discovery after 1 minute and 40 seconds.

- During the update maintenance on Jul 23 (Tue), the following actions will be taken regarding the Great Desert, Everfrost, and the Land of the Sherekhan:
ㆍ Exploration times for each zone will be reset, and two hours of adventure time will be provided after the update maintenance.
ㆍ The expiration dates for any Citron Tea, Purified Water, Clockwork, or chests containing these items you own will expire.
ㄴ Chests without a specific expiration date are excluded from this action.
ㆍ The counts of uncollected Citron Tea, Purified Water, and Clockwork will be reset.
※ With the above, the "Flute of Unity" hot time event will be in progress for a week after the update.
- Period: After maintenance on Jul 23 (Tue) to until maintenance on Jul 30 (Tue)
- Details: The same hot time effect as the [Flute of Unity] buff will be applied in the Great Desert, Everfrost, and Land of the Sherekhan
- Applies to: All adventurers
ㆍ Due to the above event, usage of the [Flute of Unity] will temporarily be restricted after the maintenance on Jul 23 (Tue). You can use the item after the maintenance on Jul 30 (Tue).
ㆍAll the remaining time for the [Flute of Unity] buff will disappear after the maintenance on Jul 23 (Tue), and we will convert that remaining time into items and distribute them.

ㆍ From Jul 22 (Mon), 00:00, you will not be able to proceed with Mercenary Board missions in Everfrost or Call-Up Board missions in the Land of the Sherekhan. These will be available again after the update maintenance on Jul 23 (Tue).
ㆍ Sales of the Citron Tea Pearl items, Citron Tea Pearl/Black Pearl items, and Monthly Content Pass Support Chest will be temporarily restricted at 00:00 on Jul 22 (Mon), and will resume after the update maintenance on Jul 23 (Tue).
ㆍ Adventurers are advised to take note of the above information regarding the use of the Great Desert, Everfrost, and the Land of the Sherekhan.


Starting Events

GM Baloo's Daily Diamond Party
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 9 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 15 (Mon), 2024, 23:59
GM Baloo's Almond
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 9 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 15 (Mon), 2024, 23:59
GM Baloo's Login Missions
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 9 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 15 (Mon), 2024, 23:59
From GM Baloo
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 9 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 15 (Mon), 2024, 23:59
Kayal Nesser's Treasure
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 9 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 15 (Mon), 2024, 23:59
BRC Guess the Victor!
· Event Period: Jul 9 (Tue), 2024, 00:00 - until the 2024 BRC on Jul 14 (Sun), 2024

Ended Events

· GM Valentine's Make Your Ice Cream
· GM Valentine's Weather Coins!
· GM Valentine's Request
· Puzzle Event
· Puzzle Piece Event

Pearl Shop

※ Products with a sales period marked [TBA] will be announced separately through future Patch Notes listed under the [Sales Ending] section.
※ For products with a set sales period, go to the Pearl Shop in-game and view the products.

New Products

- Special Pack > Special Package
Lucky Shop Sample Pack [2+1]
Ancient Golden Pack
Golden Adventure Pack
Shrine Co-op Pack [2+Gift]
※ These items can be purchased until Jul 29 (Mon), 2024, 23:59.

- New Outfits

Outfit Class Price
Rose Noire Huntress, Windwalker 960 Black Pearls
[Huntress, Windwalker - Rose Noire]

[Jul 2 Patch Notes] - 2024.07.02 (Official )
[Jul 2 Patch Notes]

Patch Notes

[DE] Zur Ankündigung auf Deutsch [LINK]
[FR] Voir Annonce en français [LIEN]
[ES] Ver aviso en español [LINK]
[TH] อ่านประกาศภาษาไทย [LINK]
[ID] Baca pengumuman dalam bahasa Indonesia [Link]
[RU] Информация на русском [LINK]
[PT] Ver aviso em português [LINK]

Greetings, Adventurers!

The Patch Notes for the update on Jul 2 (Tue) are here!
Adventurers, please see the newly applied patch notes and enjoy an even more exciting adventure.

※ All screenshots in the main text were taken on the test server and may differ from the actual update content.
If there are any discrepancies between the patch notes and the applied content in the game, please contact the support center.



Developer Commentary:

Each class moves a certain distance based on the skill they're using.

When attacked with a skill that inflicts the "Decrease Attack Speed" debuff, using certain skills would slow the skill action, though the character would travel further than when not attacked.

Some of our Adventurers may have experienced the character traveling a further distance than usual when using a movement skill after being attacked with a skill inflicting this "Decrease Attack Speed" debuff.

As it is a bit illogical to grasp the idea of decreased Attack Speed resulting in traveling a further distance, we made adjustments so that the character now travels a set distance regardless of the speed of a skill.

Also, we made the aforementioned adjustments while minimizing the possible impact they may have in controlling the character. However, please note that the travel distance for certain skills may feel different from before the update.

- Changed each skill to move a set distance regardless of attack speed.


- Increased the distance required for usage of "Wrath of Chaos" during auto-combat.

- Increased the distance required for usage of the Succession skill "Wrath of Chaos" during auto-combat.



- Improved the UI on the top of the screen to display the number of Cannons remaining for each faction.
ㆍ A gray icon will indicate the destruction of a Cannon.

- Improved a visual effect to display when activating a powerful Cannon attack performed when the HP of the opposing faction's Commander decreases a certain amount.

- Changed to prevent occupying the Respawn Point when Invincible.

- Changed the HP display according to the Holy Artifact enhancement level in Node War from % to an HP gauge.
ㆍ The above screenshot shows the HP displayed when Holy Artifact enhancement is at Level 10 and Level 9, respectively.
- Changed victory in Node War to be determined based on the exact stat of the Holy Artifact's remaining HP instead of the percentage when the war ends without the Holy Artifact being destroyed.

- Changed Urugon at Difficulty Level 11 and above to attack only the initially targeted enemy when performing a powerful attack.
ㆍ A visual effect will display for the target marked by Urugon's Glare.
ㆍ When marked by Urugon's Glare, you can strategize using Urugon's attack.


- Changed the standard price range of the following items in the Market to match that of the [Shattered Guardian Belt].
ㆍ Items: Shattered Ring of Frenzy, Shattered Ring of Vehemence, Shattered Draconic Necklace, Brooch of The Tycoon, Shattered Earrings of Rancor.

- Improved stability when downloading patches or updates in the iOS environment.
- Improved the auto-path to move along a faster route.

- Changed the interface of all exchange shops to match the format of the Guild Fortress NPC Duncan or the Chaos Rift Zone NPC Chaos Rift Watcher.

- Improved "Unobtained Knowledge" to display for bosses who you've yet to obtain knowledge for in the Co-op Rush menu.
- Reduced the size of the minimap icon size for Heuklang and Tett by half.
- Changed the icon placement for the Great Ocean and Donghae Province on the World Map.
- Improved the transition speed of the 4-key skill slot.

Error Fixes

- [Kunoichi] Fixed an issue where Super Armor would not apply momentarily during the skill after "Cripple" or "Kunai Throw."
- [Eclipse] Fixed an issue where the Super Armor of "Star's Breath" would apply in the Arena.
- [Gladiator] Fixed an issue where using "Take Down" while moving in a different direction close to an enemy would display as if the character grabbed the enemy but actually didn't.
- [Gladiator] Fixed an issue where the character would maintain a guard even after using a Succession skill.
- [Huntress] Fixed an issue where "Blasting Gust" would be used in a combo after defeating an enemy with "Evasive Explosion Shot" during auto-combat.
- [Spiritwalker] Fixed an issue where the "Super Armor," "Damage Reduction," and "Cannot be grabbed" effects of "Leaping Tiger" would apply in the Arena.
- [Scholar] Fixed an issue where "Spatial Distortion" would not apply when using "Attraction" in a combo after "One Small Step" or "Gravity Press" with an actuated Gravity Core.
- [Woosa] Fixed an issue where the "Increase Crit Chance on hit" effect of "Thundercloud" would trigger even upon skill use.
- [Grandmaster] Fixed an issue where other skills that should be instantly activated from certain actions could not be used during "Energy Vacuum" with "Flow: Tempest Fangs" active.
- [Titan] Fixed an issue where the additional attack of "Piledriver" could not be used after using the skill with "Flow: Toss" deactivated during Therianthropy.
- [Titan] Fixed an issue where the character would not move during auto-combat even when detecting a monster if it was outside the skill attack range.
- [Lotus] Fixed an issue where the character would stand still for a while after using "Blood Moon" and "Chaos" during auto-combat.
- [Primrose] Fixed an issue where the motion was awkward when using "Moonrise."
- [Warlord] Fixed an issue where the basic attack motion for moving to the right would appear awkward.
- [Legatus] Fixed an issue where the second motion of the basic attack was awkward.
- [Letanas] Fixed the issue where the "Hexeblood" and "Dragonblood" effects would not change after using the "Legacy" skill following a higher-level skill.
- [Hwaryeong] Fixed an issue where the motion of "Emberclaw Crush" was awkward.
- [Hwaryeong] Fixed an issue where the basic lateral attack motions were awkward.
- [Windwalker] Fixed an issue where the camera would not zoom in during face customization.
- [Wizard] Fixed an issue where the Camera would not zoom in during face customization.
- Fixed an issue where the character would stay idle even when attacked by monsters.

- Fixed an issue where character movements would glitch when many characters were displayed on the screen in specific situations like Eilton Defense.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to repair a Neutral Fortress even when its HP is full during Fortress Siege.

- Fixed an issue where all ping icons displayed on the minimap appeared as Guild Officer/Guild Master ping icons.
- Fixed an issue where some UIs overlapped when entering the Golden Vault under certain conditions.


Early Notice

- The adjustment to the item acquisition method in Great Desert, Everfrost, and Land of the Sherekhan, originally scheduled to be applied through the update maintenance on Jul 16 (Tue), will be updated Jul 23 (Tue).
- Please note that we will provide the details in a future notice.


Starting Events

GM Valentine's Make Your Ice Cream
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 2 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 8 (Mon), 2024, 23:59
GM Valentine's Weather Coins!
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 2 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 8 (Mon), 2024, 23:59
GM Valentine's Request
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 2 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 21 (Sun), 2024, 23:59
[Oasis Server] Dream Horse Challenge!
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 2 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 21 (Sun), 2024, 23:59

Ended Events

· Knowledge Boost Support
· GM Lando's Fairy's Adventure
· [Oasis Server] Fairy's Special Support!
· [Oasis Server] Blessing of Everfrost
· June Monthly Login

Pearl Shop

※ Products with a sales period marked [TBA] will be announced separately through future Patch Notes listed under the [Sales Ending] section.
※ For products with a set sales period, go to the Pearl Shop in-game and view the products.

New Products

- Special Pack > Special Package
· Golden Step-Up I
· Golden Step-Up II
· Golden Step-Up III
· Golden Step-Up IV
※ These items can be purchased until Jul 15 (Mon), 2024, 23:59.
· Co-op Pack [3+Gift]
· Golden Charm Chest [2+1]

※ These items can be purchased until Jul 29 (Mon), 2024, 23:59.

- New Outfits

Outfit Class Price
Elderwood Gladiator, Berserker 960 Black Pearls
[Gladiator, Berserker - Elderwood]