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[Jan 17 Patch Notes] - 2023.01.17 (Official )
[Jan 17 Patch Notes]
UPDATES 2023.01.17

Update Notice

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Greetings, Adventurers!

The Patch Notes for the update on Jan 17 (Tuesday) are here!

In this update, we’ve added new content, events, bug fixes, and overall improvements to the game.
See below for more details about this update.

※ All screenshots were taken from the test environment and may differ from what appears in the live server.
If you find something in-game that's different from the Patch Notes, please feel free to contact the support center.

Featured Updates

- The new class "Woosa" will already be Ascended upon creation.
- Woosa has 4 active skills upon creation and can learn more skills as she levels up.
- You can obtain the title "Fluttering Butterfly" upon reaching Lv 10 with Woosa.
- Increased max character slots by 1 for the new class release.

Developer Commentary:

We would first like to thank our Adventurers for all the love and support towards Maegu.

Following Maegu, the butterfly on the path to enlightenment makes an entrance in Black Desert Mobile. She is Woosa, a Do wielder of the Woodo School.

With her butterfly-summoning fan and Do Stave, Woosa hails from the Woodo School, a group of those who temper their body and mind to wield the Do.

She can deliver quick strikes with her folded fan, or imbue her fan with her Do arts, spreading it open for area-of-effect attacks.

Woosa’s Do arts can summon a huge storm from the beating wings of a butterfly. She can also draw up the power of the Sagoonja from within.

Like the gently fluttering wings of the butterfly, she gracefully flits around the battlefield, overwhelming her foes.

With Woosa's arrival in Black Desert Mobile, Black Desert's first-ever twin classes have finally reunited.
We hope our Adventurers show Woosa, the Do wielder of the Woodo School, the same love and support you've sent our way.

When we announced Maegu during the Calpheon Ball, we gave out a special coupon with Blessing of W, an item many of our Adventurers have been waiting for the return of.

We promised that day we will hand out a Blessing of W coupon again when Woosa releases!
Please take this special coupon, and we ask again for your love and support towards the new class Woosa.

🦋 Special Gift 🎫


[Blessing of W] x3
[Black Pearl x1000 Chest] x3

We hope your adventures in Black Desert Mobile are filled with new and exciting experiences with the addition of Maegu and Woosa, our finally reunited first-ever twin classes.

We will continue to provide more enjoyable experiences for our Adventurers.
Thank you.

Swallowtail Fan Mastery

- Basic Attack
The basic moves and techniques required to master the use of the Swallowtail Fan.


- Passive Skill
There's only a single path to Do.
Apply Enlightened for 20 sec upon skill use


- Lv Requirement: 1
Enlarge your Swallowtail Fan to unleash powerful winds and wipe out foes.
- Decrease Move Speed
- Increase AP
- Super Armor
- Inscribe: Ahib
- Inscribe: Labreve


- Lv Requirement: 1
Use Do arts to summon a torrent of rain and wind.
- Decrease AP
- Increase DP
- Inscribe: Aal
- Inscribe: Serrett


- Lv Requirement: 1
Use butterflies to send enemies into the sky, then strike them to the ground.
- Decrease Attack Speed
- Decrease Move Speed
- Inscribe: Labreve
- Inscribe: Serrett

Sagoonja: Plum

- Lv Requirement: 1
Use Do arts to conjure plum blossoms, one of the Sagoonja.
- Burn
- Recover HP
- Inscribe: Aal
- Inscribe: Ahib

Sagoonja: Orchid

- Lv Requirement: 10
Use Do arts to conjure orchids, one of the Sagoonja.
- Increase DP
- Decrease Crit Chance
- Inscribe: Ahib 
- Inscribe: Serrett

Sagoonja: Chrysanth

- Lv Requirement: 20
Use Do arts to conjure chrysanthemums, one of the Sagoonja.
- Increase AP
- Decrease DP
- Inscribe: Aal
- Inscribe: Labreve

Butterfly Step

- Lv Requirement: 30
Focus energy to your legs and glide forward.
- Increase Move Speed
- Reduce Cooldown


- Lv Requirement: 40
Unfold your Swallowtail Fan to block enemy hits and counterattack.
- Flow: Wayfold
- Increase DP
- Decrease Attack Speed

Sagoonja: Bamboo

- Lv Requirement: 50
Use Do arts to conjure bamboo stalks, one of the Sagoonja.
- Bleed
- Reduce Cooldown


- Lv Requirement: 60
Create thunderclouds above the target to strike them with intense lightning.
- Increase Crit Chance
- Decrease DP

A Butterfly's Dream

- Lv Requirement: 70
Gather energy for a temporary boost in power.
- Increase Crit Damage
- Increase Black Spirit Skill Damage

Developer Commentary:

These Sausan soldiers once called themselves the lords of Mediah.
To honor the will of their former commander Shultz, who met an untimely demise, they named themselves the Shultz Guards and set their base camp in North Mediah.

Recently there were several reports of strange movements within the Shultz Guards.
They are allegedly hatching a sinister plan against the entirety of Mediah.
Not having forgotten the Shultz Guards' past attempts to unify with Altinova, the residents of Mediah fell in shock upon hearing this dire news.
Those who are familiar with the Shultz Guards' mercilessness immediately began packing their belongings to leave Mediah.

After assessing the Shultz Guards' potential threat to lands even well beyond Mediah, Neruda Shen of Altinova urgently requested the help of Adventurers from all across the continent to stop the Shultz Guards here and now.

Under his request, you prepare for a heated battle against the Shultz Guards to investigate and put an end to the plans they've plotted within their fort.

What is the true purpose behind the Shultz Guards' bizarre plan, and how far will this seed of conflict spread?

It is time for you to join the Battle for Fort Shultz, and find the answers to these burning questions.

- The Battle for Fort Shultz event will be held for 2 weeks, with the final battle on Jan 28 (Sat).
- Battle for Fort Shultz will open on Thursday 14:00–18:00 and Saturday 12:00–15:00.
ㆍCheck your in-game mailbox for an entry pass during these times.

- Battle for Fort Shultz is PvE content where 10 Adventurers join forces to defeat the Shultz Guard Captain.
ㆍIt is available after reaching Black Spirit Lv 80 and completing the "[Family] Discover Ancient Ruins 1" quest.
ㆍReceive the entry pass from the mailbox then tap the icon on the right side of the minimap to join a party.
- You can respawn after being defeated by enemies.

- The gates of Fort Shultz are tightly locked and secured by the surrounding guard towers and soldiers.
ㆍYou will need to use siege weapons in order to break through the gates.

- Defeat the enemies near the fort to acquire elephants and cannons for the siege.
ㆍElephants and cannons cannot be additionally acquired.

- Once you destroy the gates and step into the fort, the Crazed Shultz Guard Berserker will appear.
ㆍDefeat the Crazed Shultz Guard Berserker and enemies within the fort to reveal a path to the top of the fort.

- The Shultz Guard Captain will be waiting at the top of the fort. Defeat the captain to win the battle.
ㆍThe entry pass will be spent upon winning the battle, and you will obtain rewards such as Ah'krad, Chaos Core, and Magical Essence.
ㆍThe entry pass will not be spent if you leave the Battle for Fort Shultz before winning.

- The Shahzad difficulty has been added to Great Desert Temples.
ㆍAll difficulties will be available after the update maintenance.
ㆍThe CP requirements have been set to match the Shahzad difficulty.
ㆍTemple of Ohm does not get a new difficulty option.
- Gather, Log, and Mine in the Temple of Ohm for a certain chance of obtaining Earth Crystals.
- Up to 5 Kureba Adults can appear in the Temple of Ohm based on your CP.
ㆍDefeat Kureba Adults to obtain bonus rewards equal to a certain amount from Ohm's Guardian Kurebas.
ㆍUp to 5 Ohm's Guardian Kurebas will appear based on the gathering progress within the temple. (Same as before)
- Improved to maintain progress for Temple of Ohm upon re-entry if the game crashes due to unstable server connection.
※ We've sent you rewards to make your total earnings equivalent to clearing one higher difficulty level than the difficulty of Temples cleared from Jan 1 (Sun), 00:00 to Jan 17 (Tue).

Developer Commentary:

We've consistently been preparing and making updates to support Adventurers who've just begun or are in the early stages of their adventure.

After making your way through Mediah, your goal would likely be to explore the vast desert and chaos-ridden areas of Valencia, but you might've been frustrated with the slow pace of CP progression.

The new "Trials of Ator: Ancient" content will be unlocked along with the Great Desert.
Compared to the Elite difficulty, several challenging and complicated game elements were removed to allow a more casual experience.
The rewards from this content are designed to aid Adventurers who are stuck in this CP range.

We hope this content provides a boost for Adventurers who were daunted by the Great Desert of Valencia and Chaos Rifts, and remains as a consistent source of materials for progress in the long run.

If you're one of the Adventurers who are overwhelmed by the enemies ahead, we strongly recommend the new Trials of Ator: Ancient.


Trials of Ator: Ancient

- Trials of Ator: Ancient was added.
ㆍThe Ancient difficulty features less challenging and less complicated mechanics compared to the Elite difficulty.
- The earliest 100 Adventurers who complete the trials will be listed on the Trials of Ator rankings.
ㆍYou can check the rankings from the Trials of Ator menu.
- This content is available after completing Family Quest - The Opening of the Desert.
- The recommended CP starts from 6,000 up to 55,000. It increases by 1,000 each level, up to level 50.

 - You can obtain Trials of Ator entry passes from completing Great Desert Temples.
ㆍObtain 6 passes from clearing Great Temples, and 3 passes from clearing regular Temples, for a total of 90 passes per month.
ㆍThe amount of passes are the same across all Great Desert difficulties and Great Temple tiers.
- Upon completing Trials of Ator: Ancient, you will obtain Knowledge EXP for "Gates of Atovator" along with other rewards.
ㆍAP and DP will increase with higher Knowledge level of Gates of Atovator.
ㆍEach trial has additional first-time rewards.
ㆍThe base rewards, including Knowledge EXP, are the same across all levels.
ㆍRewards will not increase with higher difficulty levels.



- Changed certain crafting recipes to require Caphras Secret Book Pages instead of Caphras Secret Books.
ㆍThe required amount of Caphras Secret Book Pages are identical to the amount required to craft each Caphras Secret Book.
ㆍUse the Caphras Secret Books in your inventory to obtain the equivalent amount of Caphras Secret Book Pages.
- Changed [Caphras Secret Book Page Bundle] to drop instead of [Caphras Unidentified Secret Book].
ㆍYou can obtain between 20 to 36 Caphras Secret Book Pages at a fixed chance from the [Caphras Secret Book Page Bundle].
- Removed [Craft → Craft Material → Secret Book] from the Craft menu.
- Increased the number of [Abyssal] Unknown Memory (Main Weapon) you can craft per week to 3 (1 → 3).
- Added a feature to the Extractor that allows you to extract enhanced Black Spirit's Runes.
ㆍYou can extract via [Camp → Extractor → Extract/Remove Awakening → Extract Gear → Rune] menu.
ㆍYou can extract Abyssal Runes from Lv 5 Extractor and Primal Runes from Lv 6 Extractor.
- The enhancement level will reset when extracting.
- The materials spent to enhance the Rune will not be returned.


- In response to the feedback we received from our Adventurers at the Calpheon Ball, you can now send your fairy on an adventure once per day.
- Tripled basic rewards and Great Success rewards.
- Increased the Curiosity required for each Fairy Adventure to 130.
- Fairy Adventure limit will reset every day between 00:00–01:00, and you cannot send your fairy on adventures any more on the day you collect the reward.
ㆍ I.e.) If your fairy starts an adventure on Jan 17, and you collect the reward for that adventure on Jan 18, you cannot send your fairy on any more adventures on Jan 18.
- Improved Fairy Album: Growth so that lower-tier personalities will also be registered when Laila blossoms to a higher-tier personality of the same type.
ㆍI.e.) When attaining Sunny Laila, both Lively Laila and Bubbly Laila will be registered in Fairy Album: Growth.
ㆍAdventurers who've already had Laila reach high-tier personalities will have lower-tier personalities of the same type automatically registered to their Fairy Album after the update.


- Added a feature that allows you to set a CP requirement to join the guild.
ㆍThe CP requirement starts from 5,000 up to 55,000, with 1,000 CP difference between each CP requirement.
ㆍYou can change the CP requirement from the [Guild → Manage Guild] window.
- Increased the number of times you can open the Hidden Outer Castle by 1 (1→ 2).
- Increased rewards you can obtain from defeating enemies in the Hidden Outer Castle.
- Changed the time granted for entry to the Hidden Outer Castle to 1 hour (2 hours → 1 hour).
- Significantly increased the bonuses for Siege War and each Node War tier.

Type Increase
Tier 1 Node x11
Tier 2 Node x10
Tier 3 Node x8
Siege War x8

- An exclamation mark will appear on the Quests tab of the Guild menu when there are Guild Quests you can accept.
- An exclamation mark will appear on the Benefits tab of the Guild menu when there are Guild Gifts you can receive.
- An exclamation mark will appear on currently available content in the [Guild → Content] screen.

Boss Rush

- Improved Hadum Boss Rush so that difficulties can be advanced 5 levels at a time.
ㆍThe skipped levels will be regarded as completed if you successfully complete the Boss Rush.


- Decreased the CP requirement for entry and stats of enemies that spawn in certain Constellations.
ㆍRewards will remain the same.

Constellation Before After
Giant, Goblin, Black Dragon 73,000  64,000 
Camel, Elephant, Ship 82,000  64,000 

- Improved Constellations so that difficulties can be advanced 5 levels at a time.
ㆍThe skipped levels will be regarded as completed if you successfully complete the Constellation.
- Improved Constellations so that difficulties can be advanced 5 levels at a time.
ㆍThe skipped levels will be considered complete if you successfully complete the Constellation.


- Doubled the damage of cannons used to defeat World Boss Khan.
- Reduced the max HP of Black Crystal Seaweed and Protty monsters that spawn in Oquilla's Eye by 30%.

Story / Quest

- Changed the quest objectives of certain Great Desert Family quests.

Quest Before After
Finding Clues Defeat Desert Naga x60 Defeat Desert Naga x20
Black Rock Altar Defeat Desert Naga x80 Defeat Desert Naga x20

- Changed to automatically move to quest location for the quest "Higher and Higher" from the Story "Lohan Tuval's Debt."
ㆍYou can proceed with the quest using the hint given after you automatically move to the quest location.
- Changed the quest objective of the Fairy Wish "Shamanistic Powers" (Hand over Rift Totem → Hand over Crystallized Totem).
- Improved the quest objective "Equip gear at a certain enhancement level or higher" to complete even when enhancing equipped gear.


- Improved tutorials that previously required player interaction to now only explain through images and text.
ㆍApplied tutorials: Titles, Bounty Mission, Blood Kin, Enchantment


- [Eclipse] Changed the "Recover MP on hit" Memory Imprint stat to "Recover Magic on hit."
- Reduced the time it takes to delete a character (3 days → 1 day).
- In response to the feedback we received from our Adventurers at the Calpheon Ball, allies and enemies in Twisted Nightmare will be dressed in team uniforms to optimize gameplay experience.


- Changed the Enchantment tutorial to play when the relevant content is unlocked.
ㆍThe Enchantment tutorial may also play for Adventurers who haven't yet proceeded with the tutorial after the update.
- Changed the visual effects displayed when using Dream Horse Diné's Quantum Jump.
- Changed Dream Horses to no longer be sellable at the Stable.
- Changed expired Morco's Gift Chest to be sellable at shops.
- Added 6 new daily tasks.
ㆍGroup 1: Mine 5 times, Forage 5 times, Log 5 times
※ Available when Black Spirit Lv is 175 or below.
ㆍGroup 2: Mine 20 times, Forage 20 times, Log 20 times
※ Available when Black Spirit Lv is 176 or above.


- Added an option that allows you to toggle the visibility of your fairy or pets in Screenshot Mode.
- Added a feature that allows you to search titles from the Titles tab.
- Added [All Titles, Titles Acquired, Titles Not Acquired] filters for each category of the Titles tab.
- Improved the visual presentation and design of the Enhance Black Spirit Rune menu.
- Changed how the Friend List is sorted on the Friends menu.
ㆍOnline friends are prioritized in order over offline friends on the list.
ㆍOnline friends are sorted by CP, and offline friends are sorted by most recent login time.
- Increased the scrollable part of the horse information screen in [Stable → Manage].
- Changed to return to the Exchange Horse screen after exchanging horses at the Stable.
- Changed the Rift Stone Enhance button to display the number of Blazing Chaos Crystals to be consumed instead of the amount in your inventory.

Early Notice

Regarding the Scheduled Update on Jan 25 (Wed)
- The update will be on Jan 25 (Wed) instead of Jan 24 (Tue) due to the Lunar New Year holiday.
- Due to the maintenance schedule change, 200% Server Hot Time event will be held from Jan 23(Mon) - Jan 24(Tue).
More details will be provided through a separate notice.
- Please take note that certain ongoing events will continue until Jan 24 (Tue), 2023, 23:59.
※ Relevant Events:
- Woosa's Treasure Chest
- Azure Butterfly Gift
- Collect Chaos Tokens
- Fairy Support! (Pearl Items) Week 5



- Improved to display the message "Only Emblem enhancements can be transferred. Gemstones cannot be transferred and will be lost." when selecting an Emblem with more Gemstones as the transfer material.
ㆍChanged the confirmation dialog to require "Delete" to be typed in instead of "Transfer."
- Improved to display the horse menu buttons again after accessing and closing the Info & Inventory screen of your horse.
- Fixed an issue where the location sync with other Adventurers would be significantly inaccurate.
- Added a notification window and a button next to the quest widget to display when a Main Quest Express Pass in your inventory is available for use.
- Improved Auto-Absorb Dark Energy to also absorb Abyssal Gear Chests and JIN Mystical Main Weapons and Sub-Weapons.
- Improved the Katan Soldier NPC to be able to craft [Nesser's Blessing] without having to manually select Sandstorm Crystal.
- Changed the minimap icons of certain "Violent" monsters in locations where the Bashims spawn in West Valencia.
- Improved the message displayed when you cannot accept Bounty Missions.
- Improved the guild ping feature to be usable in Great Desert, Great Desert Black Sun, and Great Ocean.

Bug Fixes


- [Maegu] Fixed an issue where the actual PvP damage of "Spirit: Echoing Souls" was abnormal.
- [Maegu] Fixed an issue where "Charm: Sigil Shot" would be activated abnormally less during auto-combat.
- [Maegu] Fixed an issue where the character sometimes wouldn't attack enemies during auto-combat without skills equipped.
- [Archer], [Fletcher], [Eclipse] Fixed an issue where Evasion was affected by Attack Speed.
ㆍ The skill will be affected by Move Speed after the change.
- [Kunoichi] Fixed an issue where the camera wouldn't face towards the enemy while moving away without using the target lock feature.
- [Mystic] Fixed an issue where the "Increase Black Spirit's Rage Damage" effect wouldn't apply to "Black Spirit's Rage."
- [Maegu] Fixed an issue where the character's facial expression wouldn't change when using an emote.
- [Maegu] Fixed an issue where the back of your character's head would appear abnormal when using certain customization presets after equipping the La Orzeca outfit.
- [Maegu] Fixed an issue where Charm: Skypounce, Charm: Sunflash, and Spirit: Petal Storm couldn't be activated after Delusive Dash without directional input.
- [Maegu] Fixed an issue where Charm: Sigil Shot couldn't be activated after Spirit: Petal Storm without directional input.

Great Desert

- Fixed an issue where Super Armor would be applied when mounting Dream Horse Diné in the Great Desert.
- Fixed an issue where Broken Altars would sometimes not be used during auto-path.


- Fixed an issue where the visual effects would overlap on the window displayed when killed by another Adventurer.
- Fixed an issue where the "CP equalized" and "CP raised" indicators in Karkea Arena matchmaking were sometimes incorrect.
- Fixed an issue where server connection wouldn't be stable sometimes after ending Twisted Nightmare.
- Fixed an issue where the camera angle would be adjusted to the center after ending Arena content in Watch Mode.
- Fixed an issue where the result screen of the Hidden Banquet Hall and the Hidden Outer Castle wouldn't display when reviving with no remaining time left.
- Fixed an issue where Guild Notification messages wouldn't appear in the middle of the screen while Node War, Siege War, or Black Sun is in progress.



Starting Events

Journey With Laila!
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jan 17 (Tue), 2023 - Jan 30 (Mon), 23:59
Battle for Fort Shultz
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jan 17 (Tue), 2023 - Jan 30 (Mon), 23:59
Woosa's Treasure Chest
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jan 17 (Tue), 2023 - Jan 24 (Tue), 23:59
Woosa Premium Login
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jan 17 (Tue), 2023 - Feb 13 (Mon), 23:59
Woosa Level Up Event
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jan 17 (Tue), 2023 - Feb 13 (Mon), 23:59
Fairy Support! (Pearl Items) Week 5
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jan 17 (Tue), 2023 - Jan 24 (Tue), 23:59
Azure Butterfly Gift
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jan 17 (Tue), 2023 - Jan 24 (Tue), 23:59
Collect Chaos Tokens
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jan 17 (Tue), 2023 - Jan 24 (Tue), 23:59

Pearl Shop

※ Products with a sales period marked [TBA] will be announced separately through future Patch Notes listed under the [Sales Ending] section.
※ For products with a set sales period, go to the Pearl Shop in-game and view the products.

New Items

- Special Pack > Special Package
· Appearance & Dye (7 Days) Chest
· Twins' Moonstone Chest
※ This item is available until Jan 30 (Mon), 23:59.
· Glowing Caphras Chest
· Lucky Adventure Chest
· Twins' Restoration Chest
· Woosa Welcome Chest

- Lucky Shop
· Primal Rune Lucky Shop
· Tap [here] to check the chances to obtain items at the Primal Rune Lucky Shop

- New Class Woosa Armor Outfits
· Shudad (Pearls)
· Mookhyang (Black Pearls)
· Karlstein (Black Pearls)
· Summer Azure (Pearls)
· Desert Camouflage (Pearls)
· Treant Camouflage (Pearls)
· Venia Riding Attire (Pearls)
· Splat Fisher's Clothes (Pearls)
· Venecil Dress (Pearls)

- New Class Woosa Weapon Outfits
· Shudad (Pearls)
· Mookhyang (Black Pearls)
· Karlstein (Black Pearls)
· Desert Camouflage (Pearls)
· Treant Camouflage (Pearls)